A |
| Usage: al the scribe's double compartment 'a's are consistently formed with flat hairline head-stroke and thick down-stroke to the right which are sometimes gently curved at head and foot. | | Usage: and the upper compartment is sometimes very angular, appearing as a triangle. |
| Usage: And one of the scribe's upper case 'A's with freely waving head- stroke. | | Usage: And the head-stroke and down-stroke form a right angle. The curving stroke which forms the lower part of the upper compartment is not always attached. The lower compartment is formed as a rectangle with two hairline strokes joined by a thick stroke set at an angle. |
D |
| Usage: derly 'd' is consistently formed with an angular lower lobe and a more rounded loop above. | | Usage: qd in the 'quod' abbreviation, the down-stroke of the loop is continued to curve down beneath the graph. |
| Usage: myddys | | Usage: dremed 'd' in final position with triangular lobe and a waisted appearance as loop meets lobe. Several other 'd's in final position in a line may have a tag as seen on the 'd' in 'quod', but it is difficult to be certain because they disappear into the gutter. |
G |
| Usage: grace there are very few examples of 'g' on this folio. Each example is a double compartment graph. | | Usage: kyng an example of 'g' in final position. |
| Usage: kyng another final 'g' from the second use of 'kyng'. | | Usage: Ergo use of 'g' in a Latin word. |
H |
| Usage: his 'h' in initial position. The stem is generally upright with rounded head-stroke which grazes the top of the shoulder. | | Usage: with the tail of 'h' frequently extends in a sweep beneath an entire word. |
| Usage: ihu | | Usage: His upper case 'H' at the beginning of a line. It is exactly the same as the lower case version. |
R |
| Usage: riȝt modern 'r' used throughout except after 'o' and a few other round-bodied graphs. | | Usage: Patriarkes the second 'r' in this example has degenerated to become a 'v'-like graph. |
| Usage: for 'z'-shaped 'r' is casually formed. | | Usage: Resoun the upper-case version of the graph. |
S |
| Usage: solaced sigma 's' used in initial and final positions. Long 's' used as an initial letter very occasionally. | | Usage: cros sigma 's' in final position. |
| Usage: hardinesse long 's' is used invariably within a word. | | Usage: armes this word is at the end of a line. The final sigma 's' has a longer than usual extension into the right margin. |
W |
| Usage: with 'w' is fairly uniform and usually has a straight left limb with the middle loop standing above the level of first and final elements. | | Usage: þow |
| Usage: knowen a variant 'w' in the middle of a word. The left limb is not the usual straight line. | | Usage: Whi upper case 'W' at the beginning of a line does not vary from the lower case version. |
Y |
| Usage: hym the left limb is usually a tapering stroke running vertically to the lower level of the graphs where the sloping second stroke creates the fork. | | Usage: day 'y' in final position and a longer than usual tail which descends at an angle before turning counter-clockwise. |
| Usage: myȝt a very curtailed tail-stroke in this example. | | Usage: sodeynly two examples of 'y' in this word. The long tails tangle with the words on the line below. |
Thorn and Yogh |
| Usage: þe thorn is used regularly for the definite article, adjectives and pronouns. It is used occasionally as a replacement 'th' as in the word 'worþi'. | | Usage: Þow a thorn at the beginning of a line. |
| Usage: kniȝt yogh is always used as representing 'gh'. | | Usage: plouȝman |
Upper Case Letters |
| Usage: To upper case 'T' with unusual diagonal hairline within and a half stroke descending from the middle of it into the 'V'-shape formed by the curve of the stem. | | Usage: Patriarkes upper case 'P' with the head of a blue paragraph mark crossing through the graph. |
| Usage: Is upper case 'I' which is variously formed. | | Usage: Bot a distinctive upper case 'B'. |