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Scribal Profile
Current Manuscript:USA, Chicago, IL, Newberry Library MS f.33.5
Sampled Folios:19, 22, 66
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:With permission of The Newberry Library, Chicago. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: and
single compartment secretary 'a' used throughout as the lower case letter.
Usage: cast
Usage: And
an alternative form of upper case 'A'.
Usage: Alone
double compartment 'A' used as the upper case although the scribe is not scrupulous about using upper case letters for the beginning of a line.
Usage: don
'd' is looped with angular lower lobe.
Usage: hold
a rather more rounded version of 'd' in final position.
Usage: ded
Usage: Discou(er)eth
'D' which appears at the beginning of a line. The loop is slightly bigger than normal so this may be the scribe's upper case graph.
Usage: grace
tailed 'g' used throughout. The lobe is squareish and set at a slight angle. The tail trails down at an angle and does not curve round at the end.
Usage: swownyng
'g' in final position with tag. All 'g's, 't's and 'f's in final position have a vertical tag attached.
Usage: hyghe
a 'gh' combination.
Usage: Goddesse
upper case graph at the beginning of a line.
Usage: hert
the head-stroke is often left open rather than looped.
Usage: which
when 'h' follows 'c' or 'g', the joining stroke forms a looped head.
Usage: syghe
Usage: He
upper case 'H' at the beginning of a line which appears exactly the same as the lower case graph.
Usage: restreigne
the scribe uses a mixture of modern 'r' and 'z'-shaped 'r'. There doesn't seem to be a pattern to his choice of graph.
Usage: ouer
Usage: hynderer
both versions of 'r' used in this word.
Usage: fadir
modern 'r' used in final position.
Usage: syghe
sigma 's' used in initial position as well as long 's'.
Usage: loues
kidney-shaped 's' used in final position.
Usage: destroie
long 's' used in medial position.
Usage: Sche
Usage: wolde
the arms of 'w' may turn to the left at the head or they may be turned to the right to close the head-strokes.
Usage: how
'w' in final position.
Usage: write
here the arms of 'w' turn sharply to the right to form a closed head.
Usage: Wele
upper case 'W' at the beginning of a line. The shape is the same, the size is bigger.
Usage: y
the tail of 'y' may curve.
Usage: my
the tail of 'y' can also be straight.
Usage: hyghe
a slight wave on this tail.
Usage: nyne
the tail of 'y' resembles the straight tail of 'g'.
Thorn and Yogh
Usage: þat
thorn only appears to be used for the definite article and pronouns.
Usage: þy
Usage: ȝit
yogh is used as equivalent to both the 'y' and the 'gh' sounds.
Usage: noȝt
Upper Case Letters
Usage: Til
Usage: But
Usage: In
Usage: Ne
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP