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Current Manuscript:Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Ashmole 360, part V
Sampled Folios:116r
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced by permission of The Bodleian Library, University of Oxford. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: aftyr
single compartment 'a' used for the lower case letter almost exclusively.
Usage: þat
a very occasional double compartment 'a' is used.
Usage: arabyons
Usage: Astrolaby
upper case 'A'.
Usage: frend
'd' is similarly formed throughout with upper loop which occasionally merges with lower lobe as in version 2.
Usage: endytyng
Usage: dyuerse
Usage: secu(n)de
Usage: englysch
tailed 'g' is used most of the time.
Usage: grekys
anglicana 'g' rarely used but can be found.
Usage: lernyng
the horizontal slash extends from the middle of the upper compartment of 'g'.
Usage: haue
although this 'h' is in initial position, the continuation of the tail stroke clockwise in an almost horizontal line beneath the previous graphs is fairly consistent wherever 'h' is present.
Usage: teche
'h' following 'c'.
Usage: beth
'h' following 't'.
Usage: tretys
long 'r' used in the majority of cases and in all positions.
Usage: proporcyons
modern 'r' is used occasionally .
Usage: Therfor
the use of 'z'-shaped 'r' is not restricted to just following 'o'. It is used in all positions including final position as in the word 'nombyr'.
Usage: beter
'r' in final position with flourish.
Usage: as
kidney or secretary 's' used frequently but only in final position.
Usage: self
used frequently at the beginning of words but also found in final position.
Usage: secu(n)de
used both initially and medially. The head-stroke often curves back to the stem making a closed hook, as in this example.
Usage: lewys
the shape of 'w' is fairly consistent.
Usage: vnknowe
Usage: qweche
Usage: wordys
usually the tail of 'y' extends straight back without turning counter-clockwise.
Usage: say
in this example the tail does turn.
Usage: lyth
it is possible to see the extent of the tail of 'y' to the left of the top of the letter 'n' on the line below. The stroke to the left of the 'l' is the tail of a 'y' on the line above.
Thorn and Yogh
Usage: þis
the lobe to the right of the thorn is often left open at the lower end and does not connect back to the stem.
Usage: þy
Usage: ȝer
yogh in this word represents the 'y' element. It is also used to represent the 'z' sound as in the word 'oryȝont'.
Usage: tawȝt
here yogh is used as equivalent to 'gh'.
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP