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Scribal Profile
Current Manuscript:London, British Library MS Additional 35286
Sampled Folios:54r
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced with permission of The British Library. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: Than
single compartment lower case 'a' used habitually throughout the text. However, double compartment lower case 'a's may still be found.
Usage: tale
double compartment straight-sided lower case 'a'.
Usage: And
double compartment upper case 'A' used as the initial letter of the line.
Usage: bathe
double compartment lower case 'a' used in the running title.
Usage: and
typical lower case looped 'd'.
Usage: good
frequently, as here in the rubric, the loop of the letter extends back over previous letters.
Usage: badde
Usage: Dame
upper case 'D' as the initial letter of the line.
Usage: almagest
'g' with slight backward slope.
Usage: good
occasionally the lower lobe of 'g' is much rounder and the letter resembles a number 8.
Usage: god
Usage: Gladly
upper case 'G' in initial position.
Usage: whether
the basic 'h' of this scribe is the first 'h' in this word and appears with variations as seen below.
Usage: honde
the sharper angle from the top of the stem and the shape of the loop which returns and crosses the main shaft is very similar to this scribe's formation of the letter 'l'. Note the final tail stroke curves round and returns to join the following letter giving an impression of speedy execution.
Usage: forth
triangular looped head.
Usage: How
upper case 'H' at the beginning of a line.
Usage: whether
modern 'r' always follows 'e' 'a' and 'i'.
Usage: or
'z'-shaped 'r' is always selected to follow 'o' whether in final position or in the middle of a word as demonstrated in the next example.
Usage: corrected
'z'-shaped 'r' is followed by modern 'r' in this word.
Usage: Rede
upper case 'R' in initial position.
Usage: ensamples
short sigma 's' used in final position.
Usage: shal
sigma 's' is also used occasionally in initial position.
Usage: Seyde
upper case 'S' in initial position.
Usage: maistow
'st' combination with long 's'.
Usage: whether
the typical shape of the 'w' of this scribe, here on the top line of text. The loop of the first stroke arches over the rest of the letter.
Usage: Now
occasionally the first loop is lower than the second.
Usage: yow
the first loop of 'w' does not extend over the whole letter as in version 1. This is more likely to happen when 'w' is not in initial position.
Usage: Wif
in the running title.
Usage: yow
a typically formed 'y'. The tail is shorter or longer according to space and position.
Usage: yif
Usage: your
Looped letters
Usage: be war
the loop of 'b'.
Usage: protholome
the loop of 'l'.
Usage: laugh
the loop of 'h'. The loops on these letters are everywhere apparent and their consistent formation give the hand a distinctive and even quality.
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP