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Scribal Profile
Current Manuscript:Shrewsbury, Shrewsbury School, Confessio Amantis Fragment
Folios:Side 1, side 2
Sampled Folios:One folio fragment used for binding.
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced by permission of Shrewsbury School. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: an
a careful hand with single compartment 'a' used throughout.
Usage: mannes
Usage: Astonede
the scribe has two versions of upper case 'A' visible in this frgament. This version occurs only once.
Usage: And
the version of 'A' which is used consistently on the fragment.
Usage: decided
(first 'd') 'd' in initial position ligatured with the following 'e'. 'd' is always the unlooped variety.
Usage: co(n)founded
Usage: Delicacie
as with 'A', the scribe has two separate forms of upper case 'D'. This one is much more intricate than the version seen in 4.
Usage: Desireth
Usage: gif
tailed 'g' used throughout the fragment.
Usage: cursing
'g' in final position with long vertical tag.
Usage: noght
Usage: Gregorie
upper case 'G' for a name.
Usage: haþe
'h' is neatly and consistently formed.
Usage: chirch
the evenness of the scribe's graphs is remarkable.
Usage: shall
'h' with slightly shortened stem to accommodate the taller stem of ling 's'.
Usage: He
upper case 'H' at the beginning of a line tipped with red.
Usage: repente
the only 'r' in initial position. Although faded and in red ink for the gloss it is possible to see that the scribe uses 'z'-shaped 'r' in initial position. It is the only version of 'r' in all positions on the fragment.
Usage: þer
'r' in final position.
Usage: fostred
Usage: for cristis
Usage: soo
long 's' is always used in initial and medial positions. It usually sits on the line.
Usage: his
a very modern form of final 's'.
Usage: is saide
Usage: Sufficeþ
upper case 'S'.
Usage: welle
the only version of 'w' on the second side.
Usage: now
'w' in final position.
Usage: world
though faint it is possible to see that the scribe occasionally uses a different form of 'w' on side 1.
Usage: When
upper case 'W' on the second side.
Usage: yit
'y' in initial position. The tail is straight though the length may vary.
Usage: By
Usage: Eye
Usage: hy(m)
another very short tail.
Usage: þe
the scribe uses thorn mainly for the definite article and pronouns, although he occasionally uses it for a verb ending. Again, it seems to be a matter of choice for the scribe.
Usage: trowþe
thorn may have been used here to shorten the line to justify the margins. On the line below, the rhyming word 'slowthe' is spelt with 'th'.
Usage: þt
Usage: þilke
Upper Case Letters
Usage: To
Usage: And
although difficult to see, the scribe uses two different forms of upper case 'A' on the first side. This is one of them.
Usage: And
the second variant 'A' with open lower compartment and lead-in stroke just about visible beneath the red decoration.
Usage: In
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP