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Current Manuscript:Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson poet. 38
Sampled Folios:33v
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced with permission of The Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, 2011; all rights reserved. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: acountes
double compartment 'a' used throughout. The head stroke sometimes appears detached.
Usage: day
Usage: penance
'a' is straight-sided with horizontal cross-bar.
Usage: A
only this version of upper case 'A' is used on this folio.
Usage: dedly
'd's are looped and evenly formed. The lower bowl is often angular.
Usage: world
the loop is generally of horizontal aspect and tends to lie across the lower lobe.
Usage: laddest
Usage: dede
the loops of the two 'd's are squashed to line up with the round 'e's which in turn are very similar to the 'd' graph.
Usage: go
the lower compartment of 'g' almost always appears to be in advance of the upper compartment.
Usage: indulgences
because of the position of the lower compartment, the graph itself appears to lean backwards.
Usage: Iuges
Usage: grace
Usage: heuene
the tail of 'h' usually ends just below the level of the stem.
Usage: erthe
on occasions, the scribe extends the tail of 'h' horizontally beneath previous graphs.
Usage: riche
Usage: How
'H' at the beginning of a line with wider curve on the tail.
Usage: rede
long 'r' is used throughout in all positions.
Usage: moder
final 'r' generally has a slight flick upwards at the end of the shoulder.
Usage: preyeres
'z'-shaped 'r' is used after some vowels and round-bodied graphs. There is a curled otiose stroke from the lower left of the graph.
Usage: her(e)
flourished 'r' for missing 'e'. The shoulder of 'r' is detached and the flourish curls up over the shoulder making almost a complete circle.
Usage: synned
sigma 's' is used in initial position.
Usage: elles
the most frequently used final 's' is 8-shaped.
Usage: triennales
occasionally the head-stroke of the graph curves upwards instead of closing to form an '8'.
Usage: sesoun
long 's' is used only occasionally as the initial graph.
Usage: welth
'w' is consistently formed. The left limb usually stands separate from the rest of the graph.
Usage: dowel
the top of 'w' is generally at the height of surrounding graphs.
Usage: twene
sometimes, the second part of the graph looks as though it has slipped down the page.
Usage: With oute
upper case 'W' at the beginning of a line. The longer lead-in stroke is the only thing which might differentiate the graph from the lower case examples.
Usage: synned
'y' often looks just like thorn and in many places it is difficult to distinguish them. Here the graph has no tail.
Usage: trewely
Usage: day by day
Usage: mercy
towards the lower part of the folio, occasional 'y's have tails.
Thorn and Yogh
Usage: þow
almost no difference between this thorn and some of the examples of 'y'.
Usage: þe
Usage: hiȝte
yogh is used as equivalent of both 'gh' and 'y'.
Usage: ȝoure
Upper Case Letters
Usage: Quod
Usage: I t
a very distinctive upper case 'I'.
Usage: Be
Usage: To
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP