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Scribal Profile
Current Manuscript:London, British Library, Cotton Vespasian B.XVI
Sampled Folios:4r
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced with permission of The British Library. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: and
the scribe uses a mixture of single and double compartment graphs for 'a' with single compartment the favoured one.
Usage: May
the alternation of graphs appears to be random.
Usage: Awake
the scribe uses two versions of upper case 'A' on this folio. The bowl of each is square and the looped head is situated either to the right of the down-stroke, or to the left.
Usage: As
Usage: dreden
initial looped 'd' with angular lobe.
Usage: and
'd' in final position is frequently tagged.
Usage: And
the loop of 'd' appears squashed onto the lobe.
Usage: forsaide
Usage: gide
as with 'a', the scribe uses both anglicana and secretary graphs. Tailed 'g' is used most frequently.
Usage: kyng
double compartment 'g' with tag in final position. The scribe's use of each kind of graph appears to be random.
Usage: gou(er)naunce
hairline cross-stroke at the head and tail looped round clockwise and continuing back to the body of the graph.
Usage: Grace
Usage: hath
'h' in initial position with open head-stroke and tail turning counter-clockwise. The tail always turns counter-clockwise but sometimes it is just a small flick.
Usage: wellth
'h' in final position following 't'. On almost every occasion where 'h' follows 't', 'c' and 'g', it is crossed.
Usage: which
'h' following 'c' in final position.
Usage: WHan
upper case 'H' as the first letter of the folio.
Usage: rightful
once more the scribe uses a selection of graphs for 'r'. Long 'r', modern 'r' and 'z'-shaped 'r' are all found on this folio.
Usage: oure
modern 'r' is also in use on this folio.
Usage: gret
'z'-shaped 'r' is used frequently after all vowels and also after some round-bodied graphs.
Usage: Rounde
Usage: set
long 's' is used in initial and medial positions.
Usage: states
sigma 's' is always used in final position and occasionally as the initial letter in a word.
Usage: same
sigma 's' in initial position.
Usage: Stedfad
upper case 'S' at the beginning of a line. A very square-shaped sigma graph.
Usage: without
'w' formed with two 'v's. The left arm is often separate.
Usage: now
'w' in final position. There is a single lobe to the right.
Usage: forsworn
the scribe also has a looped headed 'w' in his repertoire.
Usage: Which
upper case 'W' at the beginning of a line.
Usage: may
the left arm of 'y' is frequently separate from the right.
Usage: eu(er'y
the tail of 'y' turns counter-clockwise.
Usage: opynyon
Usage: York
upper case graph for the name of a place.
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP