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Scribal Profile
Current Manuscript:Scotland, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Library MS 202
Sampled Folios:1r, 76v
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:By permission of Edinburgh University Library. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: as
the scribe uses mainly single compartment 'a'. However, double compartment 'a' is also in his repertoire as in version 2.
Usage: can
Usage: At
the scribe has two versions of upper case 'A' on the folios examined. In this example, the approach stroke begins beneath the graph and sweeps round to complete the down-stroke describing a complete circle.
Usage: As
in this example, the head-stroke is closed to form an upper loop. The lower compartment is angular with finer hairline to complete the compartment.
Usage: day
'd' is looped and consistently formed.
Usage: sadde
Usage: doþ
Usage: vpward
the lower lobe of 'd' frequently appears triangular.
Usage: goste
the scribe uses both double and single compartment 'g' with the double compartment graph more in evidence at the beginning of the manuscript.
Usage: bagged
the tails of the single compartment letter turn clockwise to run horizontally beneath previous graphs. The body of the graph is diamond-shaped.
Usage: nyght
Usage: ruschyng
the double compartment graph has a point at its head and the horizontal slash extends from the middle of the upper compartment.
Usage: honde
'h' often appears tilted with the main stem at a slight angle.
Usage: myschef
the tail is usually extended to run beneath the previous graph.
Usage: þought
a thick limb extended and angled in towards the stem rather than curving out.
Usage: He
upper case 'H' with extended tail running into the left margin.
Usage: resteles
the scribe uses both modern and long 'r'. His preference is for modern 'r' as in this example and it is used in all positions. Sometimes, as in this example, the down-stroke changes direction at mid-point.
Usage: real
the fork of long 'r' is usually in line with the following letter.
Usage: Chambre
'z'-shaped 'r' is used after vowels and round-bodied graphs. Some examples have a curving otiose stroke descending from the lower left point and curling back round to the level of the line.
Usage: lenger
here the down-stroke is straight.
Usage: say
long 's' is the favoured graph for use in initial and medial positions.
Usage: sly
the scribe does occasionally use sigma 's' in initial position.
Usage: parclos
kidney-shaped 's' is used in final position.
Usage: So
upper case 'S' at the beginning of a line.
Usage: world
the scribe's 'w's are consistently formed.
Usage: morowe
the head of 'w' with its two loops usually stands quite a way above the level of the surrounding graphs.
Usage: rewolue
occasionally the left limb is detached.
Usage: Which
the left limb of upper case 'W' is curved rather than straight.
Usage: day
the left limb of 'y' is usually fairly straight. The tail may be shorter or longer.
Usage: Bysily
Usage: hyue
Usage: chyuyng
Usage: yeldeþ
thorn is used frequently and may sometimes be confused with the 'y' graph as may be seen in versions three and four.
Usage: þat
Usage: þer(abbreviation)
the graph is indistinguishable from 'y'.
Usage: wiþ
Yogh and Ampersand
Usage: nouȝt
yogh is used sometimes as equivalent to 'gh'.
Usage: myȝt
Usage: Ampersand; the scribe has two versions of the ampersand. This version is more rounded with long approach stroke beginning beneath the symbol.
Usage: Ampersand; an entirely different version of the ampersand, which occurs only a line below the example seen in version three.
Upper Case Letters
Usage: No
circular approach stroke to the graph.
Usage: In
the scribe has at least two versions of upper case 'I'. In this example there is a looped head-stroke.
Usage: I
in this example, 'I' is a simple tapering stroke with no head and with dots on either side of the graph.
Usage: They
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP