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Current Manuscript:London, British Library MS Sloane 314
Sampled Folios:83r
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced with permission of The British Library. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: haue
secretary single compartment 'a' is used most of the time but a double compartment 'a' is also used.
Usage: assendent
Usage: 'necessaray
an example of the use of both types of 'a' in the same word.
Usage: sundry
looped 'd' is the one used most frequently but version 2 also used sporadically.
Usage: degrees
unlooped 'd' as the initial letter of the word but found also in final position.
Usage: forseid
'd'with tag in final position in a word found at the end of a line.
Usage: þingis
double compartment 'g' with oval lower lobe.
Usage: angle
tailed 'g' is also used.
Usage: sygne
the completion of the lower lobe of 'g' is sometimes barely visible or not present at all. The space thus created makes a rather peculiar letter form.
Usage: longitude
the combination 'ng'.
Usage: that
'h' with rounded head-loop.
Usage: seyth
'h' with triangular head-loop. It is not unusual to find the limb turning to the right to finish.
Usage: that
'th' combination again with curving limb turning counter-clockwise.
Usage: fortunate
modern 'r' with angled stem and detached shoulder.
Usage: ffortheriuor
the second 'r' in this word following 'e'.
Usage: verrey
both 'z'-shaped 'r' and modern 'r' used in this double 'r' combination.
Usage: wer
'r' with exaggerated flourish in final position at the end of a line.
Usage: þingis
6-shaped 's' used almost exclusively in final position.
Usage: almycantras
Usage: sundry
long 's' used in initial position. The hairline stroke descending back to the stem from the headstroke frequently joins to form a closed angular head at the top of the 's'.
Usage: resseiued
'ss' combination. The first 's' usually has a sharper angle on the headstroke whereas the headstroke of the second 's' curves round back to the stem.
Usage: with
the scribe uses a variety of forms for 'w'. Here the loop in the middle stands above the level of first and last elements.
Usage: knowe
closed head-loops of even height in this example.
Usage: wich
Usage: wyth
curved lead-in stroke, angled second limb and separate final stroke make this a rather peculiar-looking 'w'.
Usage: seyn
the tail of 'y' appears in several versions. It may have a gentle curve counter-clockwise as here.
Usage: fre(n)ly
the more usual 'y' with little or no return on the tail stroke.
Usage: spr-teys
and in this example the tail of 'y' is a short straight line descending at an angle from the graph..
Usage: almycantras
tail stroke of 'y' at 45 degree angle. Used in this way in headings and on the bottom line of text where there is more space.
Usage: thorn]e
use of thorn for definite article and for demonstratives.
Usage: thorn]at
the lobe of thorn is frequently detached from the stem.
Usage: thorn]e
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP