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Scribal Profile
Current Manuscript:London, British Library, MS Additional 12043
Sampled Folios:24v
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced with permission of The British Library. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: al
the single compartment 'a' is used throughout for the lower case graph with varying degrees of formality.
Usage: many
a squarer lobe in this example.
Usage: And
on some folios this version of upper case 'A' is used almost as much as version 4 which is the scribe's more usual choice.
Usage: Amonge
Usage: don
'd' is angular in appearance and unusual in the sense that the loop resolves on the lower part of the lobe leaving an 'open' centre.
Usage: peined
Usage: drede
Usage: Discouere
upper case 'D; with loop resolving back to the point where the looped stroke began.
Usage: gode
formal tailed 'g' with very angular upper compartment.
Usage: longe
sometimes the end of the curved tail connects back to the pointed lower left side of the upper compartment.
Usage: wight
Usage: degre
Usage: hier
'h' also appears angular with exaggerated foot at the base of the stem and small neat head-loop.
Usage: touch
'h' is often crossed when following 't', 'g' and 'c'. The crossing may occur within a word as well as when 'h' is in final position.
Usage: thoght
crossed 'h' following 't'.
Usage: His
no difference between upper and lower case 'h' except perhaps in size.
Usage: reson
modern 'r' is used in initial, medial and final positions.
Usage: other
Usage: enformed
on the folios examined, 'z'-shaped 'r' is only used after o. The script may be more or less formal but the scribe is consistent in the formation and selection of his graphs.
Usage: reuers
Usage: semblant
long 's' is used in initial and medial positions.
Usage: this
final 's' is always the graph used in this example. Sometimes it appears to be more of an 8-shaped letter and at others it seems to be a kidney-shaped version.
Usage: passen
Usage: So
doubled serpentine 's' as the upper case letter.
Usage: wight
'w' is looped at the head of the central stroke. The head of the left limb may be left open or may connect with the central stroke.
Usage: throw
'w's are again angular with exaggerated feet and a squared-off lobe to the right.
Usage: afterward
the top of 'w' is well above the level of surrounding graphs.
Usage: Whan
there is no difference between upper and lower case graphs.
Usage: eny
the left arm of 'y' descends vertically. The tail is neatly contained turning counter-clockwise.
Usage: lightly
Usage: mony
'y' is often dotted.
Usage: many
Usage: ȝere
yogh is used infrequently but is in the scribe's repertoire.
Usage: ȝit
Usage: þe
thorn does not appear at all on some folios but is used occasionally in the later part of the manuscript.
Usage: worþ
Upper Case Letters
Usage: To
Usage: Bot
Usage: If
Usage: Er
Decorated Ascenders
Usage: Thoro
ascenders on the top lines of some folios attract a variety of decorative finishes.
Usage: loue
Usage: hiere
Usage: thei
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP