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Scribal Profile
Current Manuscript:England, London, British Library MS Stowe 65
Sampled Folios:62v, 115v
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced with permission of The British Library. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: was
the scribe's hand varies, perhaps according to the speed with which he copied. Some graphs are well-formed, others have a hasty appearance. Double compartment 'a' is used throughout.
Usage: harm
occasionally the stroke across the upper compartment does not connect and a small gap is left at the head of the graph.
Usage: ymaad
the size of the graphs is not always consistent.
Usage: makeþ
Usage: dru(n)enesse
unlooped 'd' is used. The oblique down-stroke is often turned slightly at the head.
Usage: yrad
Usage: goddes
'd' is frequently found in ligature with the following graph.
Usage: dradde
Usage: greet
the upper lobe of 'g' usually has a vertical aspect, here an oval shape.
Usage: doyng
the lower lobe varies in size. The horizontal addition leading to the next graph leaves the upper lobe mid-way down the lobe.
Usage: ygreued
sometimes the lower lobe does not connect with the upper lobe.
Usage: germania
the scribe's practice is not to use upper case graphs where one might expect to find one. Here there is a tag to the right of the lower lobe.
Usage: hoond
it is usually possible to see the approach stroke to the stem as is visible here at the top of the stem.
Usage: hadde
the addition of the head-stroke is often clearly defined.
Usage: cheualrie
'ch' combination.
Usage: hadde
an example of the scribe's hasty formation of graphs.
Usage: regne
long 'r' is used throughout in all positions except after round-bodied graphs.
Usage: suster
'r' in final position sometimes has a slight upturn at the termination of the shoulder stroke.
Usage: brutus
'z'-shaped 'r' is used after round-bodied graphs.
Usage: werre
it is difficult to see the fork of 'r' here as the graph appears almost as a vertical line. It is just possible to see the hairline rising from the main shaft at a level which is in line with the lower level of surrounding graphs.
Usage: storie
long 's' is used in initial and medial positions. It is not usually a long stroke and it ends at or just below the line.
Usage: deedis
8-shaped 's' almost always used in final position.
Usage: was
a 6-shaped 's' also used occasionally in final position.
Usage: Sittynge
what appears to be a rare example of an upper case letter in this scribe's copying of the prose. Here it occurs after a paraph mark but is unusual in that the scribe's usual practice is to use a lower case graph.
Usage: wonne
the scribe's 'w's are all similar.
Usage: folow
the 'B'-shaped element to the right of the second limb is usually set slightly lower than the two limbs.
Usage: cruwelnesse
the 'B'-shaped element is not always clearly defined.
Usage: dou(n)ward
here there is a simple loop to the right of the second limb.
Usage: ymaad
the fork of the graph is usually on the line.
Usage: destroyede
the tail of 'y' is straight with no return, descending at a 45 degree angle from the line.
Usage: hey
Usage: brytayne
Thorn and Yogh
Usage: naþeles
thorn is used frequently, not only for the definite article and pronouns and adjectives, but also as replacement for 'th'.
Usage: wraþþe
the stem of thorn ends just below the line. The stroke which forms the lobe is usually separate from the stem.
Usage: fiȝtynge
yogh is used as equivalent of 'y' and also as replacement for 'gh'.
Usage: ȝeer
Decorative Features
Usage: Cirus
an example of one of the pen-flourished letters.
Usage: The 7-line ornamental capital which is attached to the four-sided border on f115v.
Usage: A grotesque as the lower corner of the border.
Usage: Detail of the illuminated border of f115v.
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP