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Scribal Profile
Current Manuscript:London, British Library, MS Additional 24062
Folios:1-1v, 31, 35rv, 124 (lines 8-21), 158rv
Sampled Folios:31r
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced with permission of The British Library. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: Roialme
lower case single compartment 'a' very similar to that of Hoccleve.
Usage: grata
Usage: Aun(n)culo
upper case 'A' is completely different from Hoccleve's 'A' graphs. A strange formation with the main descender curving and thickening as it descends.
Usage: Anglie
Usage: deliberacione
'd' is looped and the lower lobe of the graph is usually sharply pointed.
Usage: multitudine
as in Hoccleve's hand the scribe can extend the loop of 'd' back over preceeding graphs.
Usage: damage
the starting point for the graph is to the right of the upper loop. The stroke descends at an oblique angle before looping back to form the lower lobe.
Usage: De par le Roy
upper case 'D' in the heading.
Usage: regimen
the scribe has various forms of lower case 'g' as does Hoccleve. Here, the secretary version has the counter-clockwise turn on the tail.
Usage: genitori
'g' with diamond-shaped single compartment and a tail-stroke which continues in a clockwise direction.
Usage: sterlingo(rum)
the tail of 'g' loops back to connect with the body of the graph.
Usage: Gales
Usage: honores
'h' is similar in formation to the 'h' of Hoccleve although the shoulder of the graph sits higher in examples from this scribe.
Usage: Buchea
'h' quite often has the tail-stroke turning counter-clockwise to finish.
Usage: Tresch(er)
in the French document, the scribe uses a crossed 'h' for the abbreviation of 'er'.
Usage: empescher
Usage: regimen
oblique angled stroke used for the stem of 'r'. In the Latin text, modern 'r' is used on all occasions except after 'o' and round-bodied graphs.
Usage: empescher
a single example of long 'r' in the French document, here in final position with following virgule.
Usage: proprios
'z'-shaped 'r' used after 'o' and round-bodied graphs.
Usage: Reole
Usage: sapientum
long 's' used in initial and medial positions. The stem is thickly scribed, the head-stroke set almost at a right angle with descending oblique tag to finish.
Usage: labores
kidney-shaped secretary 's' always used in final position.
Usage: forteresse
Usage: Senescallum
Usage: Riot y sourde
'y' is used on only two occasions in the French document. Similar to Hoccleve's 'y', the tail trails back up to finish above the body of the graph, usually with a dot.
Usage: pees y troeuereȝ
Usage: noȝ
yogh is used for the 'z' sound in plurals as here.
Usage: veulleȝ
yogh is also used where a modern 'z' would be used in second person plural verb endings.
Usage: deinȝ
Usage: aueȝ
Upper Case Letters
Usage: Tresch(er)
elaborate upper case 'T' to begin the document. Looped and curved head-stroke and vertical bisecting lineextending above and below the graph.
Usage: Come
Usage: L(ett)res
upper case 'L' more like a modern upper case graph.
Usage: Ioh(ann)is
a very thick shaft for 'I' with finer horizontal approach stroke at the head.
More Upper Case Letters
Usage: Basilio
an elaborate upper case 'B'. In other versions, the 2-shaped element is separated at the front of the graph and an extra vertical line separates the 'B'-shaped element at the right.
Usage: Cum
Usage: Principum
upper case 'P' with triangular bow.
Usage: Nos
elaborate turned feet on upper case 'N'.
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP