A |
| Usage: faddre double compartment 'a' is used with angled flattened head-stroke to the upper compartment producing the shape of a right-angled triangle. | | Usage: Adryane upper case 'A'. |
| Usage: A used as initial letter in a line and touched with red. | | Usage: ageyne where 'a' is the initial letter or stands alone, it is usually possible to see a fine pen stroke to the left of the body of the letter where the scribe initiates the hairline. |
D |
| Usage: And 'd' is unlooped and short and squat. | | Usage: wynd 'd' with tag, a frequent feature where 'd' is in final position. The downward dip of the tag is mirrored in tailed 'g' and also 't'. |
| Usage: ffaddre | | Usage: 'A downe she fell 'd' used as the initial letter of the second word in the line. |
G |
| Usage: ageyne tailed 'g' used throughout. A distinct angled stroke across the head of the letter. | | Usage: ageyne |
| Usage: swonyng 'g' with descending tag. The same feature is seen on 'd' and 't'. | | Usage: saugh 'g' followed by crossed 'h'. |
H |
| Usage: hys the stem of 'h' is thick and straight. There is no loop at the head. | | Usage: with 'h' is always crossed in final position when following 't'. |
| Usage: noght penultimate letter of the last word in a line. The stem is far above the level of the other letters as there is space above the word. | | Usage: hys 'h' as it appears on the top line with head-stroke tipped with red. |
R |
| Usage: contreward a short version of long 'r' in the middle of a word. | | Usage: hyr 'z'-shaped 'r' is used frequently at the ends of words such as 'for' or 'hyr' as seen here. When used in this position, there is an upward flick to finish the stroke. 'z'-shaped 'r' is used much more frequently than other 'r's and in all positions. |
| Usage: Remenbr(e) 'r' in final position with flourish. | | Usage: Remenbr(e) upper case 'R' used sometimes for words where an upper case letter would not be expected. 'Remenbr' is a verb in the middle of a line. |
S |
| Usage: hys kidney-shaped 's' used frequently in final position. | | Usage: Robbes there are several examples of this hybrid form of 's' in final position. |
| Usage: So upper case 'S' used at the beginning of a line and tipped with red. | | Usage: See initial upper case 's' for the noun 'See' although the word is at the end of the line. |
W |
| Usage: wex again very thick strokes for the limbs of 'w'. The final element may be 'B'-shaped or consist of a single lobe. | | Usage: contreward a single lobe only at the base of the right arm of the letter. |
| Usage: woll | | Usage: wele the left limb is frequently set higher than the middle element. |
Y |
| Usage: hys short, straight tail for 'y' almost invariably at a 45 degree angle. | | Usage: wynd |
| Usage: hy(m) 'y' with macron. | | Usage: ytaike |