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Current Manuscript:London, British Library, Additional 10574
Sampled Folios:60v
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced with permission of The British Library. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: aftir
double compartment 'a' is used throughout.
Usage: Passus
Usage: Alas
the scribe's upper case 'A's often have a curl at the head rather than a completed lobe.
Usage: And
the lower compartment may be oval or more angular.
Usage: disserue
'd' is looped throughout.
Usage: dampno
'd' with open centre very like the 'd' of Scribe D.
Usage: ded
Usage: hadde
the lower lobe of 'd' may be square as well as rounded.
Usage: good
'g' is double compartment. The upper compartment is generally larger than the lower compartment.
Usage: walkyng
at the top right of the lower compartment the finishing stroke flicks out to produce a sort of skirt. The horizontal extension usually leaves from the middle of the upper compartment.
Usage: Negocium
Usage: God
Usage: hym
the stem of 'h' is upright. The head appears open but may be linked back to the shoulder by a hairline.
Usage: shoon
the limb tapers in a slight curve.
Usage: lordschipe
Usage: He
an upper case 'H' which is the same as the lower case graph.
Usage: reson
long 'r' is used in all positions and is the preferred graph.
Usage: wer(e)
long 'r' in final position with flourish to represent a final 'e'.
Usage: aftir
modern 'r' is used occasionally but only in final position.
Usage: lorel
'z'-shaped 'r' is used only after 'o' on the folio examined.
Usage: swete
sigma 's' is used in initial and final positions.
Usage: swete
this form of 's' with straight head-stroke is used in inital and final positions. It is also used as the upper case letter.
Usage: ladies
sigma 's' in final position.
Usage: soule
long 's' is used in initial and medial positions.
Usage: water
'w' is mainly formed with straight limbs looping over to the right and a 'B'-shaped element to finish.
Usage: walkyng
occasionally the left limb has a kink in it.
Usage: wytt
Usage: wyn(n)e
'w' is sometimes elongated.
Usage: may
'y' is consistently formed although the tail may be straight or gently turning ccounter-clockwise.
Usage: Seynt
the fork of 'y' is generally at the lower level of surrounding graphs.
Usage: my
Usage: bisynesse
Thorn and Yogh
Usage: tempriþ
thorn is used on most occasions to replace 'th'. The lobe aften appears detached.
Usage: worþi
Usage: noȝt
yogh is used as equivalent to both 'y' and to 'gh'.
Usage: ȝow
Upper Case Letters
Usage: The
Usage: Now
Usage: Passus
Usage: I
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP