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Scribal Profile
Current Manuscript:Oxford, Bodleian Library, Eng. poet D.4 (SC 30126)
Sampled Folios:14r
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
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Usage: a
single compartment 'a' used mostly though there is an occasional double compartment graph.
Usage: may
a diagonal down-stroke which begins above the lobe and ends beneath it.
Usage: And
occasionally th scribe appears to use a double compartment upper case 'A' instead of a lower case letter. The word is in the middle of a line and the scribe's upper case graph used at the beginnings of lines is different
Usage: And
the scribe's typical upper case 'A', rather similar to the one frequently used by Hoccleve. used
Usage: dryve
e scribe's 'd' is looped witn scoop-shaped lower lobe with flat top.
Usage: assentyd
'd' in final position with loop stroke continued down below the level of the tail of 'y' and curled to finish.
Usage: dydde
Usage: and
final 'd' has a long loop stretching diagonally backwards over the other two graphs.
Usage: goode
'g' is tailed with rounded compartment and a tail-stroke which descends thickly and turns sharply clockwise but which does not quite close to join on to the descender.
Usage: syngyng
'g' in final position with flattened tail as it turns clockwise. The horizontal stroke from the top of the head ends with a short decsending tag.
Usage: longyng
Usage: kun(n)ynge
tailed 'g' looping round to complete the final 'e'.
Usage: herde
the graph is balanced with a head-stroke which descends at a steep angle and ends beyond the body of the graph, and a tail-stroke with a long descent from the shoulder, an acute turn clockwise thence ascending as far as the bottom of the stem.
Usage: which
'h' in final position and crossed to follow 'c'.
Usage: the
sometimes the tail is taken almost back up to the top of the graph.
Usage: How
upper case 'H' at the beginning of a line. The split stem and the foot at the lower end of the stem differentiate this graph from the lower case version.
Usage: Redy
there are no lower case initial 'r's on this folio. The scribe uses the upper case version each time 'r' is in initial position.
Usage: Emp(er)our
'r' in final position with downward turn from the shoulder.
Usage: or
'z'-shaped 'r' is used after 'o'. There is an extra, separate stroke to finish.
Usage: Riht
'R' at the beginning of a line. The scribe sometimes uses this upper case graph in initial position in words in the text.
Usage: so
sigma 's' which is just a smaller version of the upper case letter.
Usage: Sekenesses
the final sigma 's'.
Usage: assentyd
long 's' is used in medial positions only on this folio.
Usage: Sekenesses
upper case 'S' at the beginning of a line.
Usage: was
although of strange and rather straggly formation, 'w' does not vary very much.
Usage: [N]Ow
the first word of the folio. The 'N' is missing and the second letter is upper case.
Usage: was
a rounder form of the same graph.
Usage: Which
upper case 'W' at the beginning of a line.
Usage: ys
'y' with curled lip to lead in to the left arm. The tail descends at an angle and turns counter-clockwise to run horizontal.
Usage: Redy
'y' in final position with tail curling up counter-clockwise and ending above the body of the graph.
Usage: hooly
'y' in the final position in a line. Note the extra 'squiggle' which the scribe adds at the end of every line on this folio.
Usage: nyh
'y' in the middle of a word followed by 'h' in final posiyion which again is crossed.
Upper Case Letters
Usage: Off
Usage: The
Usage: Is
Usage: Knowledge
'l' and 'b'
Usage: lepre
Usage: folkes
Usage: Abbey
Usage: brother
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP