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Scribal Profile
Current Manuscript:England, Salisbury, Salisbury Cathedral Library MS 113
Sampled Folios:1r, 2r
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced by kind permission of the Dean and Chapter of Salisbury Cathedral. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: as
double compartment anglicana 'a' used throughout.
Usage: makid
Usage: And
upper case 'A' used after a double virgule to indicate a new sentence or phrase.
Usage: Al
another example of version 3.
Usage: derken
looped 'd' is used throughout.
Usage: suffurd
'd' in final position with tag.
Usage: bedde
Usage: Heued
'd' in final position with a squarer lobe.
Usage: gete
double compartment 'g' is used on every occasion. The horizontal extension usually leaves the upper compartment at mid-point.
Usage: bren(n)yng
'g' in final position with vertical tag attached to horizontal extension.
Usage: ymages
a more triangular lower compartment in this example.
Usage: degrees
Usage: heued
the tail of 'h' is neatly contained below the body of the graph.
Usage: lych
'h' in final position after 'c' is crossed.
Usage: whiche
the tail-stroke of the second 'h' in this word ends in a tiny flick to the right.
Usage: Hir
a larger version of the lower case letter at the beginning of a line.
Usage: redden
long 'r' is used in every position except after 'o'.
Usage: bar
'r' in final position with flourish above the 'r' perhaps for a missing final 'e'.
Usage: bordure
'z'-shaped 'r' always used after 'o'.
Usage: constreyned
'r' in the middle of a word. The fork occurs at the lower level of the surrounding graphs.
Usage: so
sigma 's' is used in initial and in final position. Long 's' is also used in initial positions as well as medially.
Usage: was
sigma 's' in final position.
Usage: sche
long 's' in initial position with visible lead-in stroke to the left of the stem.
Usage: secundus
in the 'Tabula' copied by the same scribe on f1r, he occasionally uses kidney-shaped 's' in final position.
Usage: which
the scribe's 'w's are very evenly formed. The left limb is always smooth, the head strokes curve to the right to form a closed head and the 'B'-shaped element is to the right.
Usage: trowe
Usage: wonnen
an example where the left limb leans to the left and is less of an upright stroke.
Usage: wold
this word occurs at the beginning of a line. The 'w' is the same as all other 'w's on the folio but the upper case graph is probably exactly the same as the lower case one.
Usage: ymages
'y' is also neatly and consistently formed.
Usage: þay
in final position, the tail of 'y' may be extended.
Usage: schewyng
Usage: syche
Thorn and Yogh
Usage: þay
thorn is used on this folio mainly for pronouns and occasionally to replace 'th'.
Usage: þis
the stem of thorn may be set at an angle as in the first example, or it may be straight, as here.
Usage: myȝt
on this folio, yogh is only used as representative of the 'gh' element.
Usage: heiȝt
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP