A |
| Usage: as double compartment anglicana 'a' used throughout. | | Usage: makid |
| Usage: And upper case 'A' used after a double virgule to indicate a new sentence or phrase. | | Usage: Al another example of version 3. |
D |
| Usage: derken looped 'd' is used throughout. | | Usage: suffurd 'd' in final position with tag. |
| Usage: bedde | | Usage: Heued 'd' in final position with a squarer lobe. |
G |
| Usage: gete double compartment 'g' is used on every occasion. The horizontal extension usually leaves the upper compartment at mid-point. | | Usage: bren(n)yng 'g' in final position with vertical tag attached to horizontal extension. |
| Usage: ymages a more triangular lower compartment in this example. | | Usage: degrees |
H |
| Usage: heued the tail of 'h' is neatly contained below the body of the graph. | | Usage: lych 'h' in final position after 'c' is crossed. |
| Usage: whiche the tail-stroke of the second 'h' in this word ends in a tiny flick to the right. | | Usage: Hir a larger version of the lower case letter at the beginning of a line. |
R |
| Usage: redden long 'r' is used in every position except after 'o'. | | Usage: bar 'r' in final position with flourish above the 'r' perhaps for a missing final 'e'. |
| Usage: bordure 'z'-shaped 'r' always used after 'o'. | | Usage: constreyned 'r' in the middle of a word. The fork occurs at the lower level of the surrounding graphs. |
S |
| Usage: so sigma 's' is used in initial and in final position. Long 's' is also used in initial positions as well as medially. | | Usage: was sigma 's' in final position. |
| Usage: sche long 's' in initial position with visible lead-in stroke to the left of the stem. | | Usage: secundus in the 'Tabula' copied by the same scribe on f1r, he occasionally uses kidney-shaped 's' in final position. |
W |
| Usage: which the scribe's 'w's are very evenly formed. The left limb is always smooth, the head strokes curve to the right to form a closed head and the 'B'-shaped element is to the right. | | Usage: trowe |
| Usage: wonnen an example where the left limb leans to the left and is less of an upright stroke. | | Usage: wold this word occurs at the beginning of a line. The 'w' is the same as all other 'w's on the folio but the upper case graph is probably exactly the same as the lower case one. |
Y |
| Usage: ymages 'y' is also neatly and consistently formed. | | Usage: þay in final position, the tail of 'y' may be extended. |
| Usage: schewyng | | Usage: syche |
Thorn and Yogh |
| Usage: þay thorn is used on this folio mainly for pronouns and occasionally to replace 'th'. | | Usage: þis the stem of thorn may be set at an angle as in the first example, or it may be straight, as here. |
| Usage: myȝt on this folio, yogh is only used as representative of the 'gh' element. | | Usage: heiȝt |