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Current Manuscript:London, British Library, Additional 34779
Sampled Folios:34r
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced with permission of The British Library. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: alle
double compartment 'a' is used throughout. The upper compartment is frequently larger than the lower compartment.
Usage: was
the upper compartment may be finished with a short hairline.
Usage: And
Usage: And
upper case 'A' frequently has a rectangular lower compartment.
Usage: dawbing
'd' is always looped. The lower lobe may be angular as here, or rounded as in version 2.
Usage: and
Usage: bidders
Usage: D raftes
the upper case graphs at the beginning of lines stand separate from the rest of the word. Here upper case 'D' with curled lower stroke and hairline to connect lobe with loop.
Usage: go
double compartment 'g' is used throughout. The upper compartment is larger than the lower one.
Usage: dawbing
'g' in final position with long descending tag attached. The scribe uses the same sort of added tags on 'k', 't' and 'f'.
Usage: legge
a very horizontal splay for the lower compartments.
Usage: hung(ur)
a triangular appendage to 'g' which is probably the abbreviation for e/ur).
Usage: his
the stem of 'h' is usually straight with rounded head-loop and curving, tapering limb.
Usage: M eschieff
Usage: he(m)
Usage: H it
upper case 'H' formed in the same way as the lower case graph.
Usage: D raftes
long 'r' is used in all positions except for the occasional use of the 'z'-shaped alternative.
Usage: hungur
long 'r' in final position with extension of the stroke into the right margin.
Usage: beger
'z'-shaped 'r' is used occasionally.
Usage: piers
a short version of long 'r'.
Usage: sowpe
sigma 's' is used in initial positions.
Usage: as
'8'-shaped 's' is used in final position.
Usage: speche
long 's' is also used in initial as well as medial positions.
Usage: piers
Usage: was
'w' is formed from three basic strokes which may be linked by faint hairlines or they may be entirely separate.
Usage: wold
Usage: prowd
the three strokes do not seem to be linked here.
Usage: W iþ
a faint hairline approach curl to the left limb.
Usage: money
the left limb of 'y' may be vertical, as here or at an angle as in the other examples.
Usage: y myȝt
the fork of 'y' is at or just below the lower level of surrounding graphs.
Usage: myȝt
the tail of 'y' usually descends in a straight line.
Usage: pyn
occasionally the tail turns counter-clockwise.
Thorn and Yogh
Usage: þakkyng
thorn appears to be used on most occasions where 'th' would be used.
Usage: makeþ
the stem of thorn is thick and descends at a slight slant. The lobe is usually open at the top.
Usage: ȝaff
yogh is used frequently and is equivalent to both 'y' and to 'gh'.
Usage: nouȝt
Upper Case Letters
Usage: N ow
Usage: L oue
Usage: I n
Usage: T o
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP