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Scribal Profile
Current Manuscript:Cambridge, Cambridge University Library MS Gg.4.31
Sampled Folios:8v
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced by kind permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: all
single compartment 'a' used throughout. The down-stroke is usually set at a slant from the main compartment.
Usage: was
there is little variation in the formation of 'a'.
Usage: attyred
Usage: passed
Usage: dede
looped 'd' used throughout. Generally, the lobe is small and the loop tall but rounded.
Usage: had
final looped 'd' with long, straight downward tag to finish. 'd' is frequently tagged in this position.
Usage: to gedders
'd' is quite upright and similarly formed in every situation.
Usage: leyde
'd' with continuous stroke to oin with final 'e'.
Usage: good
tailed 'g' with oval compartment and a thick, sweeping and tapering tail.
Usage: wysytyng
'g' in final position with extended horizontal stroke through the head.
Usage: Iugge
the second 'g' in this combination appears horned because of the horizontal joining stroke running from the first 'g' through to final 'e'.
Usage: kyng(es)
'g' in final position with attached symbol for the 'es' plural tag.
Usage: had
a typical 'h' with looped head leading to a curved stem, angled shoulder and a parallel counter-clockwise return.
Usage: folowythe
Usage: theym
the cross-bar from 't' leads in to the head-stroke of 'h'. This time the tail-stroke turns sharply clockwise, crossing the shoulder stroke to begin the following 'e'.
Usage: myght
the 'ght' combination.
Usage: notaryes
long 'r' is used most of the time in every position except after 'o' and some round-bodied graphs.
Usage: flatterer
long 'r' in final position with fork below the level of other long graphs and a wide opening leading to a small curve downwards at the shoulder.
Usage: forth
'z'-shaped 'r' after 'o' and also some round-bodied graphs.
Usage: freres
Usage: somoners
long 's' is used in initial and medial positions.
Usage: lyers
6-shaped 's' always used in final position.
Usage: passed
Usage: shall
long 's' in combination with 'h'.
Usage: was
the left limb of 'w' is upright. Sometimes there is a lead-in stroke to begin.
Usage: draw
'w' in final position.
Usage: wt
the scribe frequently uses this abbreviated form of 'with'.
Usage: westmy(n)ster
the scribe does not use upper case letters on this folio. His power case 'w' is probably exactly the same as his upper case one.
Usage: yff
a lead-in stroke to the curved left limb stroke. The tail turns counter-clockwise.
Usage: palfrey
the tail of 'y' is straight with no return.
Usage: wysytyng
a wonderful spelling for 'visiting'. A collection of 'y's with a variety of shapes, all in the same word.
Usage: shyre
a 'y' with shallow 'v'-shaped body set at the level of the shoulder of the preceding 'h'.
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP