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Current Manuscript:Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Digby 102
Sampled Folios:11r
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced with permission of The Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, 2011; all rights reserved. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: at
the 'a's are double compartment although frequently the compartments are not separate and the left side of the graph resembles a 3 backwards.
Usage: sayden
the down-stroke is thick. The graph often stands above surrounding letters.
Usage: penaunt
Usage: And
upper case 'A' is used frequently at the beginnings of phrases for example, not just at the beginnings of lines.
Usage: recordede
'd' is looped throughout. The lower lobe is triangular, the loop, rounded.
Usage: bad
'd' in final position and beside an 'a' which is the same height.
Usage: wedde
Usage: qd
abbreviation with 'd' with the usual tag.
Usage: glosyng
the first 'g' in this word. Double compartment 'g' is used throughout. The two compartments are often diamond-shaped and set on end.
Usage: kyng
double compartment 'g' with tag in final position. The lower compartment has a curved extension from its right side. The upper compartment has a diagonal stroke which leaves a point at the head and provides the extension towards the next graph.
Usage: togyderes
a rather strange-looking graph in this word.
Usage: gan
another strange graph.
Usage: hym
'h' quite often has a diagonal foot, a head-stroke which arches over the graph and makes contact on the further side of the limb, and a tail which sweeps clockwise beneath the graph.
Usage: with
Usage: worth
'h' with tail-stroke turning counter-clockwise to finish, which is unusual.
Usage: That
the combination of upper case 'T' followed by 'h' makes for a complicated intertwining of strokes.
Usage: ryche
long 'r' used throughout except where 'z'-shaped 'r' is used.
Usage: messager
'r' in final position.
Usage: preest
'z'-shaped 'r' used after 'o' and other round-bodied graphs.
Usage: Reherce
Usage: sotil
sigma 's' is used in both initial and final positions.
Usage: lettres
sigma 's' in final position.
Usage: lasse
long 's' is used in medial positions.
Usage: Sholde
upper case 'S' to begin a new clause which is defined by the use of red virgules.
Usage: were
'w's are conisitently elaborate with foot at the lower end of the left limb, looped heads with arched strokes, with a 'B'-shaped element to the right.
Usage: thorw
'w' in final position still in the same flamboyant style.
Usage: knowe
Usage: Who
again upper case graph following a red virgule.
Usage: yf
it is difficult to get a clear image of some of this scribe's graphs because of his constant loops and swirls.
Usage: my
'y' is almost always dotted.
Usage: wylneth
Usage: togyderes
Usage: ȝut
Usage: ȝode
Usage: ȝe
Upper Case Letters
Usage: That
Usage: In
Usage: Be
Usage: I
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP