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Scribal Profile
Current Manuscript:USA, Chicago, IL, Newberry Library MS f.33.7
Sampled Folios:1r, 30r, 39v
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:With permission of The Newberry Library, Chicago. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: and
both single and double compartment 'a' are used. The hand is very variable with preferences for different forms of graph depending on stint.
Usage: hath
an oval version of the single compartment.
Usage: And
Usage: As
Usage: deth
'd' is always looped with a very angular bowl although a rounder version is also used at times.
Usage: groundid
angular and rounded in one word.
Usage: Hadde
Usage: Dede
the upper case version.
Usage: youre gude
'g' is tailed and the tail extends backwards under several graphs in a curve.
Usage: kyng
Usage: Rightwisnesse
Usage: of gou(er)nance
on the bottom line of the folio hence the licence to curve the tail counter-clockwise at the end, as well as avoiding the descender of 'f'.
Usage: hath
'h' is consistently neat.
Usage: deth
'h' after 't' or 'g' in final position is usually crossed.
Usage: right
Usage: Hadde
upper case 'H' at the beginning of a line. Note the extra loop to the left of the stem.
Usage: riche
all forms of 'r' are used, again according to stint. 'r' in initial position may be modern 'r', long 'r' or even 'z'-shaped 'r', see version 3.
Usage: declar(e)
'r' in final position may also be either long 'r' or modern 'r'. Here long 'r' with flourish to represent a missing 'e'.
Usage: rich
'z'-shaped 'r' in initial position.
Usage: Ryght
a very angular form of the upper case graph.
Usage: swich
either sigma or long 's' is used in initial position.
Usage: Epistles
kidney-shaped 's' is usually used in final position.
Usage: sitten
occasionally the head-stroke of long 's' extends over the top of several succeeding graphs.
Usage: Stoppith
Usage: wiche
'w' also comes in variety. Here a simple looped version which is basically two 'v's..
Usage: wittes
this 'w' alternates with version 1 to no apparent pattern.
Usage: What
found at the beginning of a stanza and with rather exaggerated head-strokes. Notice the foot at the base of the initial stroke and the 'B'-shaped element at the right.
Usage: Whos
'W' at the beginning of a line.
Usage: myghty
the shape of the body of 'y' varies little. The tail may be thin, thick, curved or straight.
Usage: y
Usage: youre
Usage: may
a very fine oblique stroke as the tail.
Usage: þe
thorn is used frequently. It is used for the usual articles and adjectives but also as a replacement 'th' in places.
Usage: Þogh
what may be the scribe's upper case 'Thorn' at the beginning of a line. An exggerated hook as an approach stroke and two dots at the left of the shaft
Usage: worþinesse
the stem of thorn is very thick and tapers as it descends.
Usage: þerynne
the lobe of thorn is small in comparison with the length and thickness of the stem.
Upper Case Letters
Usage: Iuge
'I' is distinctive and may be traced throughout the manuscript although the hand varies at times.
Usage: But
Usage: To
Usage: Of
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP