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Current Manuscript:London, British Library MS Sloane 1009 part 1
Folios:2-57: (Tale of Melibeus 29-48r)
Sampled Folios:33r
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced with permission of The British Library. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: a
indefinite article. 'a' is always a double compartment graph.
Usage: rather
the style of 'a' is variable.
Usage: And
upper case 'A' to begin a phrase, tipped with red as are other upper case letters on this folio.
Usage: Another
an extreme form of the upper case 'A' in version 3.
Usage: audience
the point on the left side of the lobe of 'd' may be more or less pointed, but this is generally the shape of 'd' in medial position in the word. 'd' is always looped.
Usage: delyteth
the pointed aspect of 'd' becomes more exaggerated when 'd' is in initial position.
Usage: lord(es)
'd' with 'es' abbreviative mark.
Usage: discou(er)e
Usage: grete
double compartment 'g' in initial position.
Usage: stronge
a different formation for this double compartment 'g'. The lower compartment is greatly extended.
Usage: touchyng
whenever 'g' is in final position there is always a tag attached.
Usage: wight
'ght' combination.
Usage: thi
a triangular head-stroke on this example of 'h'.
Usage: while
the tail-stroke of 'h' usually flicks back to the right as in version 1. However, it can occasionally be found tucked below the letter.
Usage: nartheless
occasionally the tail-stroke turns counter-clockwise to connect with the following letter.
Usage: he
here the scribe continues the tail in a clockwise direction and loops up to join the following graph
Usage: true
long 'r' used frequently throughout. Sometimes a fork is created between the two arms, at other times, as here, there is little discernible space.
Usage: consider
'z'-shaped 'r' used in all positions in a word. When used in initial or medial positions there is no otiose stroke from the bottom of the letter whereas it is almost always present when used in final position.
Usage: first
modern 'r' used occasionally.
Usage: tresour
'r' with flourish as the final word of a line.
Usage: sekerly
square-shaped sigma 's' is used in both initial and final positions.
Usage: Salamon
upper case 'S'.
Usage: shall
long 's' is used initially and medially. It is frequently copied at a slight angle and the approach stroke can be clearly seen here.
Usage: bewreyest
the scribe uses versions 1 and 2 in almost equal proportion at the beginning of a word. This 'w' without lead-in stroke is always used in medial position.
Usage: werre
'w' with lead-in stroke used in initial position only.
Usage: wordes
the whole of this complicated structure is a 'w'. The 'B'-shaped element to the right appears almost detached from the rest of the graph. Perhaps the scribe was a little over-enthusiastic.
Usage: wol
Usage: thy counseill
typical 'y' with tail sweeping under following letters.
Usage: ye
tail of 'y' joining the next letter.
Usage: hym
tail of 'y' curtailed.
Usage: þe[superscript]
thorn only used followed by a superscript letter.
Usage: þu[superscript]
the stem of thorn is long and straight.
Usage: þt[superscript]
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP