A |
| Usage: all only single compartment 'a' is used. | | Usage: shalbe |
| Usage: cadet | | Usage: As a double compartment graph for the upper case letter. |
D |
| Usage: derthe unlooped 'd' with oval lobe. Down-stroke set at an oblique angle which does not always close the lobe. | | Usage: fynisshed |
| Usage: heddes | | Usage: maide |
G |
| Usage: hunger scoop-shaped bowl to 'g' with longish tail which turns in reverse at the end. | | Usage: king(es) the hair-line stroke at the head extends as the horizontal dash and joins to the following graph. |
| Usage: thurgh sometimes the tail travels in a clockwise direction first before curling down to finish. | | Usage: dygger |
H |
| Usage: hunger leaning 'h' in initial position. | | Usage: tellethe 'h' to follow 't' with stem and shoulder as a continuous wavy line. |
| Usage: ryght | | Usage: hitherw(er)d the graph ends with a turn counter-clockwise. |
R |
| Usage: ryght the 'r' resembles a number '2' followed by a sickle-shaped extension. | | Usage: dygger |
| Usage: warr(e) the flourish on the final 'r' probably represents a missing 'e'. | | Usage: Reges upper case 'R' also resembles the figure '2' with semi-circular addition on the side and horizontal cross-bar through the middle.. |
S |
| Usage: shalbe long 's' is used in initial and medial positions. | | Usage: vsurpans '6'-shaped 's' with reverse curl at the head is used in final position. |
| Usage: fynisshed | | Usage: frutes |
W |
| Usage: warne long approach stroke to the left limb. | | Usage: enowe a single lobe to the right which may appear almost circular in some examples. |
| Usage: when in other examples, the compartment at the right has almost a horizontal base. | | Usage: w(er)ke |
Y |
| Usage: ye again, the body of 'y' varies little. The tail does vary in length and in shape. | | Usage: multeply the tail of 'y' angles down to finish. |
| Usage: dye | | Usage: ryght 'y' has a concave stroke angling down attached to the end of the tail. |
Thorn |
| Usage: þe thorn is virtually indistinguishable from 'y'. It is mainly used with superscript abbreviations. | | Usage: þen |
| Usage: ampersand there are no yoghs on this folio but ampersand is quite distinctive. | | Usage: ampersand |