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Current Manuscript:London, British Library MS Lansdowne 851
Sampled Folios:58r
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced with permission of The British Library. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: wardeine
the scribe's single compartment lower case 'a'.
Usage: Ansewerd
the scribe uses an upper case 'A' for this word in the middle of a line.
Usage: And
a second type of upper case 'A'.
Usage: And
the opening word on the folio. Many of the opening letters of folios are similarly decorated, some with faces as in this example.
Usage: stounde
a very pointed lobe for 'd'.
Usage: Simond
final 'd' with descending tag.
Usage: qd
the scribe's abbreviation for 'quod'.
Usage: goone
the tail of 'g' curves to the right before turning clockwise.
Usage: goþe
Usage: wagges
Usage: troughe
Usage: sleihte
a looped head for 'h' with the loop resting on the top of the shoulder.
Usage: hight
'h' at the beginning of a word sometimes has a foot at the bottom of the stem.
Usage: Howe
upper case 'H' at the beginning of a line is tipped with yellowish paint and has a curl as an extension to the left side of the stem. This compares with the upper case 'H' of Scribe D who copied Oxford, Corpus Christi College 198 and to which the scribe of Lansdowne had access.
Usage: Iohn
crossed 'h'.
Usage: clerkes
on the folios sampled modern 'r' is used with 'z'-shaped 'r'. No sign of long 'r'.
Usage: sorte
'z'-shaped 'r' follows 'o'. A curving otiose stroke from the bottom left of the graph.
Usage: her
'r' in final position with flourish probably to represent a missing final 'e'.
Usage: This
kidney 's' used in all final positions and almost always with an otiose tag.
Usage: Simkin
upper case 'S'.
Usage: schall
long 's' used in initial and medial positions usually with lead-in stroke visible.
Usage: where
sometimes 'w' is neatly contained as in this example.
Usage: swa
at other times the top of both arms of 'w' appear to be open.
Usage: howe
the scribe's 'w' only has a single lobe on the right side.
Usage: oonely
Usage: besely
'y' almost always has a curved stroke above .
Usage: mirþe' / 'besely
example to show the typical mark above 'i' and the curving stroke above 'y'. 'i' does not always have the tear-drop mark above, 'y' almost always sports the same curved stroke above the letter.
Usage: grinde
the first three versions of 'e' here are at the ends of consecutive words. All three are finished in a different way.
Usage: oure
the stroke attached to 'e' is a decorative feature used by the scribe as he copied. It follows some 'r's, 't's, 'e's, 's's and 'd's.
Usage: corne
'e' which is almost heart-shaped because of the looped extension at the right.
Usage: carie
the scribe's more usual 'e'.
Otiose strokes
Usage: bot
several of the letters are frequently followed by curving otiose strokes.
Usage: Meller
Usage: of
Usage: þe
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP