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Current Manuscript:Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 496
Sampled Folios:54v
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced by kind permission of the Master and Fellows of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: may
lower case 'a's are all single compartment.
Usage: schalt
Usage: And
a complicated form of double compartment 'A' for the upper case letter which here seems to have gone awry.
Usage: And
Usage: do
although the hand of this scribe looks extremely untidy at first glance, the formation of some of the graphs are very consistent. Here looped 'd' is in ligature with 'o'.
Usage: wikkyd
'd' in final position. The scribe does not appear to attach a tag to final 'd'.
Usage: audience
Usage: Do
upper case 'D' with the pointed lower lobe reminiscent of 'A'.
Usage: good
the 'g' graph is double compartment and fairly evenly formed with flat-topped upper lobe and triangular lower lobe.
Usage: þing
in final position 'g' has a horizontal stroke extending to the right from near the top of the upper lobe.
Usage: strau(n)ge
the lower lobe is slightly flattened so that it becomes almost triangular in shape.
Usage: Good
'G' with head stroke extending forward over the following graphs.
Usage: sich
although there is little difference in the formation of 'h', the tail-stroke descends to such a length that inevitably it becomes tangled with the graphs on the lower line.
Usage: han(n?)
the looped head-stroke varies in size. Here the tail connects with graphs on the line below.
Usage: which
it is not only the tail of 'h' which is exaggerated. The tail of 'y', the descender of 'p' and the curled otiose stroke descending from 'z'-shaped 'r' all add to the confusion of strokes which give the folio a messy appearance.
Usage: kepith
'th' combination.
Usage: reed
long 'r' is used in almost all positions except after 'o'. There are two modern 'r''s in final position on this folio in the words 'owr' and 'war'.
Usage: her
'r' in final position with flourish. This version needs to be compared with version 3 since the thick dark stroke to the left of the top curl of the flourish is from the otiose stroke of 'z'-shaped 'r' in the line above.
Usage: ffor
'z'-shaped 'r' after 'o'. The thick otiose stroke descending from the graph is tangled with the flourish of long 'r' on the line below.
Usage: Roboas
Usage: is
sigma 's' is always used in final position.
Usage: sich
long 's' is used initially and medially. Generally the descender of 's' is a fairly thick stroke, cut fairly short, as here but sometimes capable of a longer, finer extension.
Usage: holsu(m)
the head stroke curves over and tangles with the macron to abbreviate the 'u'.
Usage: So
upper case 'S' with, at the top left side, the angled stem of thorn from the line above.
Usage: trow
the typical shape for 'w' with middle loop higher than the elements to left and right. The right side always has two lobes.
Usage: war
'w' entangled with the 'x' and 'y' in the word 'axyng' in the line above.
Usage: which
'w' can look very messy but the basic shape is the same.
Usage: well
a strange example of the same graph.
Usage: tym
'y' can be two separate strokes which do not make contact. The tail of 'y' descends straight at a 45 degree angle. It is a fine stroke and long enough to connect with graphs on the line below.
Usage: Conyth
Usage: hym
here the tail of 'y' connects with the tail of the previous 'h' and the flourish on 'm' on the line below.
Usage: louyng
a word on the bottom line of the folio.
Thorn and Yogh
Usage: þow
thorn is used for definite articles, demonstratives and personal pronouns. It is similar in shape to 'y' and sometimes difficult to distinguish.
Usage: þan
Usage: nouȝt
ȝ seen with the previous 'u'.
Usage: ȝong
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP