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Scribal Profile
Current Manuscript:Scotland, Aberdeen, Aberdeen University Library MS 123
Sampled Folios:10v (lines 1-15), 28r (lines 6-28)
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced with the permission of the University of Aberdeen.. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: quarters
single compartment 'a' used as the lower case graph.
Usage: abilite
Usage: astrolabie
the scribe's hand is not particularly neat and his letter formation is not consistent.
Usage: And
swiftly formed upper case 'A'.
Usage: doth
'd' is actually fairly consistently formed, usually with upper loop slightly in advance of the lower lobe.
Usage: altitude
a more angular lobe with reverse pen-turned top to the descender rather than a completed loop.
Usage: altitudes
Usage: chyldryn
Usage: gret
flat-topped tailed 'g' with minimal tail-stroke.
Usage: ygeuen
Usage: ap(er)teynyng
'g' in final position with tiny downward flick at the end of the horizontal extension.
Usage: towchyng
Usage: haue
wide head-loop with shoulder and limb descending from the centre of the loop.
Usage: philosophie
strangely, both 'h's in this word have the head-stroke as a horizontal line.
Usage: þrogh
when 'h' follows 'g' it is usually crossed. However on each occasion where 'h' follows 'g', the body of 'h' has become obliterated with ink.
Usage: shynyng
Usage: rekne
the link to the shoulder of 'r' springs from line level which is at the lower level of surrounding graphs.
Usage: quarters
Usage: befor
'r' in final position is flourished, perhaps to indicate a missing final 'e'.
Usage: prayerys
Usage: science
the thick head of the descender protrudes above the initiation of the curved head-stroke.
Usage: as
kidney-shaped 's' is used in final position as is sigma 's'.
Usage: prayerys
the alternation of the two 's' graphs in final position is random.
Usage: shyne
scooped head-stroke to link on to following 'h'.
Usage: world
'w' is always of the same formation with two thick, fairly straight limbs whose heads turn towards the right. There is a single lobe as the final element.
Usage: nowmbre
Usage: wt
the scribe uses abbreviations for 'that' and 'with'.
Usage: Lytyl
the tail of 'y' is usually of generous length and curvature. However, see version 4.
Usage: preyer
Usage: slyly
Usage: very
another example of the over-inking which causes blobs of ink to infill the body of some graphs.
Thorn and Yogh
Usage: boþe
thorn is used frequently in all situations. It usually has a straight tapering stem as in this example.
Usage: wheþ(er)
the scribe curves the stem of thorn in this example.
Usage: oriȝont
a single example of yogh on the two folios examined. Here used as representative of 'z'.
Upper Case Letters
Usage: Than
there are few upper case letters in the text but 'T' does occur quite frequently. It is always formed as in this example.
Usage: I
the scribe has two forms of 'i'. In this example the scribe uses a curved approach stroke to the head and adds a separate dot to the right of the shaft.
Usage: Bred
first initial of the title with loss of the corner of the paper leaf which now shows the repair.
Usage: I
the second version of the scribe's 'I' with looped and hooked head stroke.
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP