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Current Manuscript:Tokyo, Takamiya Collection MS 22
Sampled Folios:1r, 31r
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced with permission of Professor Takamiya. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: as
double compartment anglicana 'a' is used throughout.
Usage: a
'a' is often barely a double compartment letter, thus leading to the 'a' of version 3.
Usage: sake
Usage: adventures
on the first folio of the Clerk's Tale, the unlooped 'd's have a gentle curve at the top of the stem. The formation of 'd' on the folio from the Wife of Bath is different.
Usage: god
unlooped 'd' is used throughout.
Usage: weddid
Usage: goddes
'g' appears in a number of shapes and sizes. Here the double compartment anglicana 'g' is used.
Usage: thyng(es)
tailed and horned secretary 'g' with 'es' abbreviation.
Usage: god
Usage: thyng
'h' is usually set at a slight slant.
Usage: nether
the limb and tail-stroke are very gently curved.
Usage: sophyme
a crossed 'h'.
Usage: Here
although the ink is much degraded, it is possible to see the shape of 'H' at the beginning of the rubric.
Usage: trowe
modern 'r' is used in all positions but alternates with 'z'-shaped 'r'.
Usage: pray
'z'-shaped 'r' with otiose hook.
Usage: entrede
long 'r' is used infrequently but may still be found.
Usage: your
'r' in final position with flourish.
Usage: is
kidney 's' always used in final position, occasionally as here with otiose stroke to finish.
Usage: refresshid
long 's' is used initially and medially.
Usage: salamon
there is no example of upper case 'S' on these two folios. However, the winged attachment to the left of the stem of the letter shown here could perhaps indicate a difference in the hierarchy of long 's'.
Usage: trowe
the shape of the majority of the scribe's 'w's, with left limb arching backwards.
Usage: was
versions 2 and 3 are the exceptions that prove the rule.
Usage: wedde
Usage: weddyd
there is always a 'B'-shaped element to the right.
Usage: termys
Usage: fygures
Usage: lyve
Thorn and Yogh
Usage: þat
thorn used infrequently mainly for the definite article and demonstrative adjectives.
Usage: þe
Usage: ȝe
the only use of yogh on these two folios is for this word.
Usage: ȝe
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP