A |
| Usage: newgate 'a's are straight-sided with fine horizontal cross-bar and flat head. | | Usage: a |
| Usage: And | | Usage: And upper case 'A's are consistently formed in this fashion. |
D |
| Usage: day looped 'd' used throughout. | | Usage: disporte the lower lobe may be rounded, square or triangular in shape. |
| Usage: hadde the scribe continues the loop of the second 'd' down to form a ligature with the final 'e'. | | Usage: disserued |
G |
| Usage: go secretary tailed 'g' is used throughout and usually sits on the line. | | Usage: prologe the right down-stroke is a simple curve. |
| Usage: Gamelyn | | Usage: myght 'g' has the appearance of leaning backwards, 'h' seems to lean forward. |
H |
| Usage: he the looped head-stroke of the graph lies over the top of the shoulder. | | Usage: his there is very little variation in 'h'. |
| Usage: Here the opening word of the rubric. | | Usage: he the looped head is almost horizontal in this example. |
R |
| Usage: aright 'z'-shaped 'r' is used on this folio on all occasions and in all positions. The single exception can be seen in version 2. | | Usage: array the only occasion on this folio that any 'r' apart from the 'z'-shaped 'r' is used. |
| Usage: revelle 'z'-shaped 'r' in initial position. | | Usage: maister 'z'-shaped 'r' in final position with upward tag. |
S |
| Usage: his kidney-shaped 's' is always used in final position. | | Usage: same long 's' is used throughout the folio both initially and medially. A tapered descender. |
| Usage: siked the single occasion on this folio where sigma 's' is used. | | Usage: So |
W |
| Usage: were 'w' is cursive with curled approach stroke to the left limb. | | Usage: newgate although the 'w' graph is in the middle of a word, there is still a curling approach stroke to the graph. 'w' stands above the level of surrounding graphs. |
| Usage: Wele upper case 'W' is exactly the same as the lower case letter. | | Usage: owne the limbs of 'w' are almost twice the height of the preceding graph. |
Y |
| Usage: Erly 'y' is frequently dotted. | | Usage: nyght sometimes the tail of 'y' extends to join the next letter. |
| Usage: tyme sometimes the tail of 'y' is short. | | Usage: array 'y' in final position in the line. |
Pointing Hands |
| Usage: A pointing hand in the left margin indicating the words 'and swyved for hir sustenaunce' at the end of the unfinished Cook's Tale. | | Usage: This is reinforced in the right margin where the same line is indicated, this time pointing down. |
| | | |
f |
| Usage: of final 'f' always has an attached down-stroke. On this folio, no other letter attracts a tag such as this. | | Usage: Of |
| Usage: yaf | | Usage: of |
I |
| Usage: It upper case 'I' varies little in formation. It is simple and unadorned. | | Usage: Ioly the closed loop to the left of the stem is a characteristic feature of this graph. |
| Usage: I | | Usage: Iohn |