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Scribal Profile
Current Manuscript:London, British Library MS Harley 4866
Sampled Folios:62r, 85v
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced with permission of The British Library. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: hadde
on f62r, the scribe has both anglicana and secretary 'a's in his repertoire. On some folios he uses both randomly and on others he uses single compartment 'a' only.
Usage: that
single compartment 'a's vary slightly in their formation. This version has a short head-stroke at an angle to join on to the descender to the right of the graph.
Usage: and
in this version there is no angled stroke at the head. The stroke to the right of the graph thickens towards the bottom and ends in a scoop-like turn.
Usage: Aftir
upper case 'A' is double compartment with squarish lower lobe.
Usage: hadde
a glance at the 'd' samples shows how consistent the scribe was in the formation of his graphs. The lower lobe is invariably angular forming a triangular element with loop above. The loop rarely angles back beyond the extent of the lobe.
Usage: duke
'd' in initial position.
Usage: god
'd' in final position. This example is taken from the famous stanza copied into the margin which is being hauled back into line beneath the rest of the stanzas on this folio by a man who may represent the scribe himself.
Usage: Descou(er)eþ
this word occurs at the beginning of a line so the 'D' may be representative of the upper case letter. There is little difference between upper and lower case except that the loop is exaggerated slightly.
Usage: gan
on f62r, both single and double compartment 'g' are represented. Here the anglicana 'g' begins the word.
Usage: god
in the stanza copied into the margin, single compartment 'g' begins this word.
Usage: kyng
on f85v, only tailed 'g' is represented in all positions. Here in final position there is a tag on the horizontal extension to the upper lobe. The same tag is present on all 'g's on this folio in final position.
Usage: Grace
upper case 'G' at the beginning of a line. Several of the scribe's upper case letters are finished with double parallel lines.
Usage: hem
another graph which is consistently formed. The tail stroke from the limb may be tucked neatly beneath the graph as in version 3, or it may have a slight turn downwards at the end of the tail.
Usage: forth
'h' is not always crossed after 't'. The angled foot at the bottom of the stem is present in all examples.
Usage: naght
the 'ght' combination where 'h' is not crossed in any of the examples on the folios sampled.
Usage: He
upper case 'H' usually has a circle attached midway down the stem of the graph.
Usage: residence
modern 'r' is used in all situations.
Usage: your
Usage: transitorie
'z'-shaped 'r' is used after 'o' and several consonants. There is usually an otiose stroke descending in a curve from the lower left of the graph.
Usage: Ryght
upper case 'R' at the beginning of a line.
Usage: seide
sigma 's' is used both initially and in final position.
Usage: 'p(er)illous
8-shaped 's' is also used in both initial and final positions. The scribe alternates the graphs for no particular reason.
Usage: sones
long 's' is also used in initial position and always in medial position.
Usage: Salomon
upper case 'S' at the beginning of a stanza.
Usage: waymentaciou(n)
the scribe uses this more elaborate 'w' most of the time. The pronounced feet distinguish it from the example in version 3. This 'w' has a single lobe as the final element. Both left and middle limbs join to become a single arched stroke over the top of the graph.
Usage: How
in this example the left and middle arms are separate and the 'B'-shaped element at the right of the graph has two lobes.
Usage: swiche
an example with a much straighter left arm.
Usage: Whan
upper case graph at the beginning of a stanza.
Usage: ye
'y' generally has a straight left arm and the fork of the graph comes just below the level of the lower level of the other letters.
Usage: companye
occasionally 'y' is dotted.
Usage: fayn
the tail of 'y' is shorter or longer to no pattern.
Usage: tyme
Thorn and Yogh
Usage: þt
thorn is used occasionally. The lobe of the graph extends almost to the end of the stalk.
Usage: þing
Usage: thoruȝ
this is the single example of yogh on the sample folios.
Upper Case Letters
Usage: But
Usage: Excellent
Usage: I
Usage: That
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP