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Scribal Profile
Current Manuscript:Oxford, Trinity College MS Arch. 49
Identification:John Leche suggested by Manly and Rickert
Sampled Folios:292v
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced by permission of the President and Fellows of Trinity College, Oxford. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: as
single compartment flat-headed 'a' used throughout.
Usage: and
in initial position the stroke which produces the flattened head of the lobe forms an extension ahead of the compartment.
Usage: and
the extension is not visible in this example but a slight lip is visible as the scribe turns the nib to form the initial stroke.
Usage: day
'd' has an upper loop and a point which forms the left side of the lower lobe.
Usage: dethe
a real pointed triangular bowl to this graph.
Usage: condicion
within a word the lobe of 'd' is more rounded.
Usage: herkenyd
Usage: thingis
'g' is horned with crossed head and arching tail-sroke.
Usage: goode
Usage: strangelynge
a quirk in the tail of 'g' with counter-clockwise turn.
Usage: nought
the 'ght' combination.
Usage: his
'h' is often presented with an open arching head-stroke.
Usage: hym
occasionally the head loop is closed.
Usage: the
'h' within a word is frequently joined to the previous graph.
Usage: that
unusually the loop of the tail-stroke is continued to join to the next graph.
Usage: Criste
'z'-shaped 'r' is used in medial and final positions.
Usage: criste
long 'r' is also used in medial positions, as here, and on this folio is always used in initial position.
Usage: reson
long 'r' in initial position.
Usage: for
'z'-shaped 'r' in final position.
Usage: as
sigma 's' is used in final position on this folio in almost every case.
Usage: synne
a single kidney-shaped 's' used in final position.
Usage: synne
long 's' used in initial and medial positions.
Usage: trespasseth
long 's' used medially. The descenders of both 's' and 'f' are long compared with the usual body height of the graphs.
Usage: whan
'w' comprises two similar looped arms with a single lobe on the right of the graph.
Usage: welle
the first arm is almost disconnected from the second.
Usage: shewe
Usage: whiche
Usage: hym
the usual formation of this graph.
Usage: herkyn
a single unusual example of 'y' in which the right arm does not connect at the fork.
Usage: synnys
it is usually possible to see the loop effect created as the scribe adds the right arm of the graph.
Usage: a yene
Lead-in strokes
Usage: no
on 'n', 'm' and sometimes on 'i', the scribe describes an arc to lead in to the graph which begins well below graph itself.
Usage: in
Usage: man
a kind of symmetry is created here as the scribe frequently lengthens the final minim of 'n' and curves it beneath the graph.
Usage: ne
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP