A |
![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-a.jpg) | Usage: aft(er) this scribe's letter forms are very similar to those of Delta although the aspect of the hand is different. With this scribe, the upper compartment of 'a' is usually slightly smaller than the 'a' of delta. | ![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-a2.jpg) | Usage: man |
![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-a3.jpg) | Usage: Also the only examples of upper case 'A' on the selected folio. | ![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-a4.jpg) | Usage: Anno |
D |
![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-d.jpg) | Usage: deme lower case 'd' is very similar to that of Delta. | ![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-d2.jpg) | Usage: schedde the lower lobe is oval in shape, and as with the other scribe in this manuscript, the upper loop extends back beyond the body of the graph. |
![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-d3.jpg) | Usage: dedys | ![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-d4.jpg) | Usage: hardek(es) sometimes the lower lobe is more angular. |
G |
![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-g.jpg) | Usage: graunted as with the second scribe, 'g' is a graph with lower compartment jutting further forward than the upper compartment. | ![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-g2.jpg) | Usage: tong a more triangular lower lobe in this example, with slight tag to finish. |
![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-g3.jpg) | Usage: pylg(ri)mes | ![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-g4.jpg) | Usage: harmyng the horizontal tag extends from the top part of the upper compartment. |
H |
![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-h.jpg) | Usage: holy the 'h' graph is evenly formed. | ![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-h2.jpg) | Usage: schedde |
![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-h3.jpg) | Usage: hym occasionally the tail-stroke continues in a longer clockwise curve. | ![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-h4.jpg) | Usage: Mathathias |
R |
![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-r.jpg) | Usage: resoned modern 'r' is used on all occasions and in all positions except after vowels and round-bodied graphs. The head-stroke is often detached from the stem. | ![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-r2.jpg) | Usage: our 'r' in final position with elaborate curved tag. |
![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-r3.jpg) | Usage: charles 'z'-shaped 'r' used after vowels and after round-bodied graphs. The '2' shape is not quite as pronounced as that of Delta. A straight otiose stroke extends down at an angle from the lower left of the graph. | ![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-r4.jpg) | Usage: ferre 'r' may be formed with or without a foot. |
S |
![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-s.jpg) | Usage: spoiled the approach stroke to the graph may frequently be seen for long 's'. Long 's' is used in initial and medial positions. | ![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-s2.jpg) | Usage: lawes '8'-shaped 's' is used in final position. The upper lobe has a tilted appearance. |
![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-s3.jpg) | Usage: blessyd | ![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-s4.jpg) | Usage: So upper case 'S'. |
W |
![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-w.jpg) | Usage: which 'w' is formed with closed loops at the head of the graph. The left limb is angled towards the lower end but the middle stroke is usually straight. | ![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-w2.jpg) | Usage: swerd |
![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-w3.jpg) | Usage: wt the scribe almost always abbreviates 'with'. | ![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-w4.jpg) | Usage: Wherfor upper case 'W' to begin a sentence. |
Y |
![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-y.jpg) | Usage: mych in a similar manner to Delta, this scribe also turns the tail of 'y' on or around the line. | ![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-y2.jpg) | Usage: hym |
![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-y3.jpg) | Usage: beyng | ![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-y4.jpg) | Usage: agayn occasionally the tail is extended. |
Thorn and Yogh |
![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-WL1.jpg) | Usage: deþ thorn is used throughout on almost every occasion where 'th' occurs. | ![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-WL1-2.jpg) | Usage: Breþer(abbreviation) thorn with 'er' abbreviation. |
![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-WL1-3.jpg) | Usage: noȝt | ![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-WL1-4.jpg) | Usage: ȝe |
Upper Case Letters |
![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-WL2.jpg) | Usage: Breþer(abbreviation) there are two variations for upper case 'B', with or without a vertical bar separating the '2'-shaped element from the 'B'. | ![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-WL2-2.jpg) | Usage: Bot |
![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-WL2-3.jpg) | Usage: I 'I' usually has a straight approach stroke at a 45 degree angle to the head of the graph. | ![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-WL2-4.jpg) | Usage: I there is usually a small protuberance to the left of the stem in the middle. |
More Upper Case Letters |
![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-WL3.jpg) | Usage: On upper case 'O' with vertical line through. | ![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-WL3-2.jpg) | Usage: Phinees upper case 'P' with the same vertical line through the lobe. |
![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-WL3-3.jpg) | Usage: Zacharie yogh used as 'Z'. | ![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-WL3-4.jpg) | Usage: Osya(n) upper case 'O' with dot in the centre as decoration. |
Serendipity |
![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-WL4.jpg) | Usage: Punctus Elevatus; the scribe uses the punctus elevatus occasionally. | ![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-WL4-2.jpg) | Usage: slayn the scribe uses what seems to be a punctus point much more frequently than the punctus elevatus in places where one would expect the latter. |
![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-WL4-3.jpg) | Usage: all the only example of double 'll' on this folio and it is crossed. | ![](https://www.dhi.ac.uk/san/medievalscribes/images/Aberdeen21-165v-WL4-4.jpg) | Usage: Ampersand; the scribe only uses this version of ampersand on the folio examined. |