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Current Manuscript:London, British Library MS Harley 372
Identification:Hand 2 copied Anelida and Arcite
Sampled Folios:57r
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced with permission of The British Library. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: a
secretary 'a' used throughout the text.
Usage: Arcite
upper case 'A'.
Usage: At
used at the beginning of a line.
Usage: and
unlooped 'd' is the most usual graph. Occasionally the stem extends slightly below the curve of the lobe leaving a sort of overhang.
Usage: did
the scribe also uses looped 'd'.
Usage: hadde
Usage: Duc
upper case 'D'.
Usage: grace
the tail of 'g' is usually a gently curved stroke with no significant curl at the lower end as in this example.
Usage: grisely
very occasionally the tail curls clockwise slightly.
Usage: gentis
this 'g' with tail-stroke turning counter-clockwise is used twice in the three lines of Latin text, for 'gentis' and for 'vulgi'. It is also used on one occasion in the English 'guye'.
Usage: that
the 'h' shape is fairly consistent throughout the text with bowed head-loop resting on the shoulder.
Usage: englissh
'h' in final position following 's' is crossed.
Usage: Honoured
in an initial position in the line this appears to be the scribe's upper case letter 'H' with arched approach stroke from the left to the top of the straight stem.
Usage: Here
elaborate form of 'H' by the scribe at the beginning of the Incipit in the right margin.
Usage: our
long 'r' is used rarely. This is one of the two or three examples on this folio. Always used in final position and always with a flourish.
Usage: Arcite
modern 'r' is the graph usually selected.
Usage: chare
'z'-shaped 'r', whose use is not restricted to following the vowel 'o'. Used after consonants and vowels.
Usage: this
kidney-shaped 's' always used in final position.
Usage: suster
strange shape of this 's' used in initial position occasionally. Long 's' is the more usual graph chosen for the initial position.
Usage: sonken
long 's' in initial position.
Usage: Sterres
what appears to be an upper case 'S' used for the nouns 'Sterres', 'Shade' and 'Shipp'. The same shape as the upper case 'S' used at the beginning of lines.
Usage: wif
a typical 'w' here in initial position. When used medially 'w' does not have the approach stroke often used when 'w' is found in initial position.
Usage: honowren
'w' used medially is usually taller than surrounding letters.
Usage: whane
'w' in initial position in the line with arching approach stroke extending into left margin.
Usage: pitows
the only example of this type of 'w' with looped head on this folio.
Usage: begynnyng
typical 'y' with shortish tail.
Usage: many
occasionally 'y' has no return on the tail-stroke. This form usually seems to occur where 'y' is the final letter of a word.
Usage: Ampersand used relatively frequently on this folio and always the same shape.
Usage: þi[superscript]
occasional use of þ, frequently followed by a superscript letter.
Usage: þe[superscript]'
Usage: þt[superscript]
at the beginning of a line.
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP