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Scribal Profile
Hand 2
Current Manuscript:London, British Library MS Egerton 2864
Identification:Probably the same scribe copying at a different time: see Mosser 2010
Folios:274 mid-page - 341
Sampled Folios:276r
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced with permission of The British Library. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: a
single compartment 'a' used as the lower case graph.
Usage: Also
upper case 'A' is used to begin phrases, as the indefinite article, for some verbs and also as the initial letter of nouns.
Usage: ma + (flourish)
'a' with flourish for abbreviation of the word 'man', an abbreviation also used by Hand 1 of this manuscript.
Usage: Vnkyndely
the simple form of unlooped 'd' is used in the majority of cases on this folio.
Usage: god
'd' with loop is used rarely on this folio but does occur occasionally, mainly in final position.
Usage: conceyvid
'd' in final position with tag.
Usage: did
example showing both looped and unlooped 'd'.
Usage: god
secretary 'g' with reverse flick of the tail-stroke.
Usage: thorough
the tail of 'g' descends in a more or less straight line from the body of the graph.
Usage: sweryng
'g' in final position with flourish, perhaps for a missing 'e'.
Usage: hir
initial 'h' with head-loop resting on the shoulder.
Usage: homecyde
initial 'h' with open head-stroke. This 'h' is frequently found after 's'.
Usage: thought
crossed 'h' in 'ght' combination.
Usage: Attry
thick angled stroke for modern 'r' with detached head-stroke.
Usage: morder
'r' in final position with flourish.
Usage: drynkes
'z'-shaped 'r' is used frequently after 'o', 'u', 'e' and 'a'. Also used after round-bodied consonants.
Usage: for
long otiose stroke on 'z'-shaped 'r'.
Usage: ellis
sigma 's' is used initially and in final position.
Usage: sleith
tiny approach stroke to the graph can be seen on the left of the shaft.
Usage: expresse
double 'ss' and double 'ff' have stems which frequently diverge.
Usage: which
'w' with looped head is used almost exclusively on this folio.
Usage: halowes
'w' with unlooped head-strokes is hardly ever used on this folio.
Usage: sweryng
Usage: workes
Usage: barreyn
the scribe uses two main types of 'y', this one with a curved tail and version 2 with a straighter tail.
Usage: vnkyndely
Usage: shryfte
it is possible to see the faint trail of an extended tail on 'y'.
Usage: wordely
when in final position in the line, the scribe allows himself licence to extend the tail of 'y' into the right margin.
Usage: Ire
very similar formation to 'I' by Hand 1 in this manuscript.
Usage: Idyll
Usage: divers
'v' very similar to that of Hand 1.
Usage: vnnethe
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP