A |
 | Usage: man double compartment 'a' is used almost all the time. |  | Usage: outrage secretary 'a' is found in a few instances on this folio. |
 | Usage: As upper case 'A' has an angular lower lobe, pointed at the left side. |  | Usage: And |
D |
 | Usage: done 'd' is almost always looped. However, there are occasional variations as may be see in versions 3 and 4. |  | Usage: acorde |
 | Usage: hede as with the occasional use of single compartment 'a', this 'd' in which the loop is left open at the top is also found occasionally. |  | Usage: And |
G |
 | Usage: grete double compartment 'g' is used throughout. |  | Usage: ligge sometimes the lower compartment of the graph appears to be slightly in advance of the upper compartment, giving the graph a tilted aspect. |
 | Usage: þing 'g' in final position with flourish perhaps for a missing final 'e'. |  | Usage: strengþed |
H |
 | Usage: hynde 'h' has a looped head and sometimes has a foot at the base of the stem. |  | Usage: whate upright stem with no foot and short limb-stroke tapering slightly. The tail-strokes vary in length and curvature with each example. |
 | Usage: soight |  | Usage: He upper case 'H' has an angled foot. |
R |
 | Usage: rocke modern 'r' is used in all positions and is the preferred graph. |  | Usage: drede a shortish 'v'-shaped 'r' is also found from time to time. |
 | Usage: broȝten 'z'-shaped 'r' follows 'o' and round-bodied graphs. |  | Usage: Riȝt |
S |
 | Usage: sette long 's' is used in initial and medial positions. The serif to the left of the stem is usually visible. |  | Usage: suche sigma 's' is used occasionally in initial position. |
 | Usage: was kidney-shaped 's' is used in final position. |  | Usage: So |
W |
 | Usage: wel 'w' is generally looped at the head and has the 'B'-shaped element to the right. |  | Usage: wynd occasionally the head loops are left open. |
 | Usage: Where concave left side to this upper case version. |  | Usage: Whan |
Y |
 | Usage: euery 'y' is occasionally dotted. Just to confuse things, the scribe dots his thorn from time to time as well! |  | Usage: myn the tail of 'y' varies in length but is more usually found as in this example. |
 | Usage: nyȝtes |  | Usage: myȝt |
Thorn and Yogh |
 | Usage: wiþ thorn is used frequently in all functions. |  | Usage: waxeþ dot over thorn as in other examples. |
 | Usage: noȝt yogh is also used fairly frequently. |  | Usage: Ȝit |
Upper Case Letters |
 | Usage: But |  | Usage: Of |
 | Usage: Estward |  | Usage: Is |
Upper Case S |
 | Usage: Sche |  | Usage: Sche |
 | Usage: So |  | Usage: Subdit |