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Scribal Profile
Thomas Hoccleve; Hand E
Profiles for this Scribe:
1. Cambridge, Trinity College MS R.3.2. (581)
Current Manuscript:Cambridge, Trinity College MS R.3.2. (581)
Sampled Folios:83v
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced by kind permission of the Master and Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: nathelees
all lower case 'a's are of the single compartment secretary type.
Usage: appil
the graph is square-shaped. Hairlines connect both strokes at top and bottom.
Usage: And
a typical Hoccleve upper case 'A'.
Usage: As
Usage: seid
looped 'd' is used throughout.
Usage: honde
sometimes the loop of 'd' arches back over the preceding letter.
Usage: Goddesses
Usage: me doun
Usage: greeuen
secretary 'g' with tail stroke which rejoins the body of the graph.
Usage: goddes
the tail-stroke follows round clockwise and joins the body of the graph at the head.
Usage: go
'g' with tail which first turns clockwise then curls back in reverse to finish.
Usage: Goddesses
upper case 'G' with hook to end the head-stroke.
Usage: shal
the typical form of 'h'. Doyle and Parkes note as an individual trait, that 'the stem, shoulder and limb' of 'h' frequently 'drop below the level of other letters'.
Usage: with
the tail-stroke is lengthened and turns counter-clockwise to finish.
Usage: How
upper case letter with distinct foot on the stem.
Usage: hond
a detached head-stroke on this graph.
Usage: your
long 'r' used in every position, but alternating with modern 'r'.
Usage: more
some of the scribe's 'z'-shaped 'r's have a curled tag descending from the left side of the lower stroke. Used mainly after 'o'.
Usage: greeuen
modern 'r' used in every position.
Usage: werre
Usage: ones
kidney-shaped 's' is used in final position.
Usage: Cassandra
long 's' used initially and medially. It is sometimes possible to see a tiny tag to the left of the shaft and a small protruding horn at the head of the letter.
Usage: Shul
Usage: she
occasionally the shaft of 's' is split.
Usage: whyles
'w' with angled feet.
Usage: What
upper case 'W' is formed in exactly the same way.
Usage: knowe
the very idiosyncratic circular Hoccleve 'w', more common in the late 14th century.
Usage: was
Usage: y
a typical Hoccleve 'y' with tail rising above the letter, curving round and ending with a slightly thicker curved stroke to form the dot of 'y'.
Usage: they
Usage: Y
'Y' in upper case position at the beginning of a line.
Usage: myn
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP