A |
| Usage: and single compartment 'a' is used as the lower case graph. | | Usage: Areste in the middle of a line and on several other occasions too. The basic shape for the upper case graph. |
| Usage: Among the basic graph is elaborated in a variety of ways. | | Usage: A woman |
D |
| Usage: devyse both looped and unlooped 'd' are used. | | Usage: doth a long thick stem for unlooped 'd'. |
| Usage: did looped 'd's with pointed lower lobes. 'd' in final position has an extended loop stroke which turns down to finish in the form of a tag. | | Usage: Dunstaple the upper case graph. |
G |
| Usage: A geyn tailed 'g' with counter-clockwise turn on the tail. | | Usage: long 'g' in final position with extension of the horizontal slash and final upward curl. |
| Usage: Among in this example, the tail of 'g' is much longer, turns clockwise and then continues in a horizontal line beneath the previous graphs. | | Usage: Gwerdon |
H |
| Usage: heere 'h' with looped head resting on the shoulder and long tail-stroke which turns clockwise and then loops back on itself. | | Usage: nyght |
| Usage: Hard upper case 'H' with extended tail-stroke which descends clockwise into the margin then loops back on itself. | | Usage: Her |
R |
| Usage: radde modern 'r' and 'z'-shaped 'r' are used in all positions. | | Usage: othyr 'z'-shaped 'r' is used in all positions. |
| Usage: frowarde | | Usage: Reu(er)ence an elaborate upper case 'R'. |
S |
| Usage: socowre long 's' is used in initial and medial positions. | | Usage: As a horned secretary 's' in final position. |
| Usage: was a very angular 8-shaped 's' is also used in final position. | | Usage: Swayn upper case 'S' with otiose strokes ascending from the head and descending from the bottom of the graph. |
W |
| Usage: were the scribe uses a variety of 'w' graphs. Here the head is looped but the lower limbs form sharply angled 'v's. | | Usage: well this graph occurs in the middle of a line so one might assume that it is not the upper case graph. The curved approach to an angled head leads in to a cursive shape for a double 'v' form with single lobe to the right. |
| Usage: wtowte | | Usage: Within a different upper case version with angled foot at the base of the left limb. |
Y |
| Usage: myn 'y' only varies in the length and curve of the tail-stroke. | | Usage: gylty |
| Usage: day | | Usage: Saynte |
Upper Case Letters |
| Usage: Nevyr | | Usage: Be |
| Usage: Of | | Usage: To |