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Scribal Profile
Trevisa-Gower Scribe
Profiles for this Scribe:
2. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Bodley 693 (SC 2875)
Current Manuscript:Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Bodley 693
Sampled Folios:8v, 40v, 48v
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced by permission of The Bodleian Library, University of Oxford. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: haue
straight-sided, double compartment 'a' is used throughout. The graph is constructed as here with parallel sides and horizontal bar across the middle with occasional variations in the size of the compartments.
Usage: And
the scribe has a variety of upper case 'A's, here with flat top.
Usage: As
the two-shaped element at the left side of the graph is distinctive.
Usage: And
an arching stroke at the right with open head and oval lobe.
Usage: dwelle
'd' is consistently formed in this fashion generally with squarish lobe and a short, angled stroke to close the head of the graph.
Usage: gladde
the combination 'de is usually ligatured.
Usage: Qd
the tag on the 'd' of the 'quod' abbreviation resembles a comma with fine otiose flourish.
Usage: Deianire
the two-shaped element to begin the graph is distinctive. Upper case 'D' may also be decorated with parallel lines.
Usage: godly
the lower lobe of 'g' usually has a squashed appearance. It often sits on or around the line.
Usage: long
'g' in final position with vertical tag descending from the horizontal slash.
Usage: þurgh
the lower compartment of 'g' virtually sits on the line.
Usage: God
upper case 'G' with parallel line decoration.
Usage: had
the stem of lower case 'h' usually has a fork or split at the head. Other graphs formed in similar fashion include 'l' and 'k'.
Usage: hier
the tail from the limb is short and fine and usually ends at, or not much below the line.
Usage: Hast
upper case 'H' usually has a curved head-stroke.
Usage: Hic
a combination of forms for this upper case graph with extended approach stroke to the stem and a fine curved stroke to define the head.
Usage: redy
modern 'r' is used in all positions in a word.
Usage: betir
'r' in final position frequently has a curved otiose tag to finish. Other graphs such as 't' and 'f' also attract this stroke and the frequent use of such additions impact on the visual impression of the folio.
Usage: worthi
'z'-shaped 'r' used after 'o' and round-bodied graphs.
Usage: Riȝt
upper case 'R' with open head.
Usage: schuld
long 's' is tall and often angular with foot resting on or above the line. This 's' is used in initial and medial positions.
Usage: was
8-shaped 's' is used in final positions.
Usage: passed
Usage: Seruantes
upper case 'S' in serpentine formation.
Usage: word
'w' frequently has exaggerated loops at the head of the limbs. This example is the one found most frequently with curved approach to the left limb and looped head turning to the right for the middle arm.
Usage: dwelle
a simple 'w' form is also used.
Usage: felawe
here both arms turn right at the head.
Usage: What
a slightly more elaborate graph as the upper case letter.
Usage: myn
'y' is often dotted and the tail-stroke is short and fine, usually ending at or around the line.
Usage: many
ine tapering stroke for the tail.
Usage: malady
Usage: þey
Thorn and Yogh
Usage: bloweþ
thorn is used frequently on all occasions which call for 'th'.
Usage: Þan
the stem of thorn is thick and straight. The lobe is also nearly as long as the stem.
Usage: hiȝt
yogh is used as equivalent to both 'y' and also 'gh'.
Usage: ȝet
Upper Case Letters
Usage: To
upper case graphs are frequently decorated with double parallel lines.
Usage: Of
Usage: But
Usage: Now
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP