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Scribal Profile
John Shirley
Profiles for this Scribe:
1. Cambridge, Trinity College MS R. 3. 20 (600)
Current Manuscript:Cambridge, Trinity College MS R.3.20 (600)
Sampled Folios:116r, 130r, 367r
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced by kind permission of the Master and Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: Whane
single compartment 'a' with pointed head.
Usage: a
'a' as it occurs in the title of Chaucer's poem to Adam.
Usage: Adam
the scribe's upper case 'A'.
Usage: And
Usage: ladyes
looped 'd' used throughout.
Usage: and
'd' in final position with tag as a continuation from the loop stroke.
Usage: double
the word occurs in the title.
Usage: goddes
Usage: gentil
tailed 'g' with curled horn at the head.
Usage: long
'g' in final position with tag attached to the continuation of the horizontal slash.
Usage: Geffrey
from the introduction to the 'Complaint to Mars'.
Usage: hee
'h' always has a looped head-stroke.
Usage: byhynde
the tail-stroke descends in a clockwise direction then turns counter-clockwise.
Usage: He
a more elaborate graph for the upper case letter.
Usage: night
crossed 'h' in 'ght' combination.
Usage: vnder
the 'e' can be seen at the left side of the letter. Long 'r' used infrequently on this folio.
Usage: hir
modern 'r' used in all positions. The stem of 'r' is a curved stroke which loops round to complete the graph.
Usage: mortel
'z'-shaped 'r' used after 'e' on this folio.
Usage: Retourne
upper case 'R' with arching approach stroke.
Usage: his
kidney-shaped 's' used in final position.
Usage: punyshment
long 's' used initially and medially.
Usage: scryveyne
long 's' in initial position. The head-stroke often comes off the stem below the top.
Usage: She
upper case 'S'.
Usage: werke
the scribe has two forms of 'w'. In this form the limbs are diagonal strokes, the compartment to the right is square.
Usage: lowe
looped 'w' used interchangeably with 'w' with straight arms as seen in version 1.
Usage: With
arching left arm of the first stroke of this graph.
Usage: wymmen
Usage: yee
a pronounced curve as the lead-in stroke. The tail of 'y' frequently curves back below previous letters before turning counter-clockwise.
Usage: hertely
Shirley frequently curls the tail of 'y' up and over the letter.
Usage: Yee
Usage: may
the word occurs at the end of a line hence the sort of 'signing off' feature at the end. Shirley occasionally includes a curved stroke above the letter.
m, n
Usage: mortel
where 'm' or 'n' occur in initial position, Shirley always uses a long curved approach stroke.
Usage: noble
Usage: may
Usage: noon
Usage: Looke
a remarkably modern-looking upper case 'L' bisected by the lower strokes of 'Ff' on the line above.
Usage: Loo
this word occurs in the incipit so is perhaps a little more elaborate.
Usage: Lifft
the first word of the folio.
Usage: Loo
Usage: haþe
Shirley makes frequent use of thorn for 'th' throughout. The stem is long and tapering.
Usage: beginneþe
thorn used in the incipit.
Usage: Þat
the initial letter of a line in an upper case position.
Usage: þy
thorn on the bottom line with tail extended into decorative swirls in the lower margin.
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP