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Scribal Profile
John Marchaunt or Scribe D
Profiles for this Scribe:
5. London, University of London, Senate House, Sterling Library MS V.88
Current Manuscript:London, University of London, Senate House, Sterling Library MS V.88
Sampled Folios:22r, 93r
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced courtesy of the Sterling Library, Senate House Library, University of London. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: a
double compartment 'a' used throughout Scribe D's manuscripts.
Usage: lady
the upper compartment is usually smaller than the lower compartment.
Usage: AmeN
one example of this scribe's many upper case 'A's. This 'A' is often the preferred graph in glosses, particularly for 'Amans' in Confessio manuscripts.
Usage: Ac
a more usual example of 'A'.
Usage: dei
'd' with open centre, a frequent feature of some Scribe D manuscripts.
Usage: 'graued
looped 'd' is used throughout.
Usage: hadde
the lower lobe may be rounded as here or more angular.
Usage: Dobet
the '2'-shaped element is always in evidence preceding 'D' and 'B' graphs.
Usage: graciousliche
Scribe D always uses double compartment 'g'. The upper compartment is usually more rounded in aspect, the lower compartment has more of a horizintal spread, often resulting in a triangular splay.
Usage: among
final 'g' is sometimes tagged. See Wild Letter 3 for more examples of tagged graphs.
Usage: lenger
Usage: g(ra)ue
'g' with 'ra' abbreviative mark above.
Usage: holy
'h' is usually neatly formed with tail contained below the body of the graph.
Usage: moche
Scribe D writes well above the line in this manuscript and many of the graphs, even tailed ones, sit on the line.
Usage: broght
'h' with counter-clockwise turn at the end of the tail.
Usage: honorem
Usage: recettour
long 'r' is used throughout in this manuscript in all positions.
Usage: iaper
'r' in final position with flourish perhaps for a missing 'e'.
Usage: lenger
the fork of 'r' is below the level of the base of surrounding graphs.
Usage: Recorden
Usage: seiþ
sigma 's' as well as long 's' are used in initial positions.
Usage: arwes
kidney-shaped 's' is used in final position.
Usage: Passus
long 's' is also used in medial positions.
Usage: So
Usage: wake
Scribe D's 'w's are neatly formed and the middle loop usually stands above the level of the elements preceding and following.
Usage: how
Usage: waxe
an open head to the top of the second limb.
Usage: trewe
Usage: ympe
the tail of 'y' is variable in length.
Usage: holy
the left limb of 'y' tends to be almost vertical.
Usage: seyen
here the tail of 'y' sits on the line.
Usage: dyuyneþ
Thorn and Yogh
Usage: wiþ
thorn is used frequently in all the usual words but also replaces 'th' at times.
Usage: wynneþ
Usage: ȝow
on the folios examined yogh is used to represent the 'y' sound and also for the 'z' sound as represented in version 4.
Usage: laȝar
Upper Case Letters
Usage: Til
Scribe D's upper case letters almost always conform to a pattern. The loop of the body of 'T' resolves on the middle vertical stroke and is rarely left open.
Usage: Passus
the stroke in the interior of 'P' is usually curved, as here.
Usage: I
'I' often has a short lead-in stroke joining the stem very near the head. There is almost always a single protuberance to the left of the stem.
Usage: AmeN
Scribe D has at least two forms of 'N'. This one is used rarely but does occur in the same word in his two Canterbury Tales manuscripts.
Usage: it
in some of Scribe D's manuscripts tags occur frequently on 't' and 'k'. In this manuscript tagged letters do occur but they are not ubiquitous.
Usage: countre
Usage: lik
Usage: ac
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP