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Scribal Profile
Hand D
Current Manuscript:Cambridge, Cambridge University Library MS Mm.2.21
Folios:ff153-160v (quire 20), 177-183v (quire 23)
Sampled Folios:179r
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced by kind permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: man
the scribe uses square 'a' with straight sides and hairline connectors,
Usage: spak
a single example of double compartment 'a' on this folio.
Usage: amidde
Usage: And
upper case 'A' with angular lower lobe connected with a hairline stroke back to the stem.
Usage: debonaire
looped 'd' is neatly and consistently formed.
Usage: goddesse
Usage: wed(er)
final 'd' with 'er' abbreviation attached.
Usage: somdel
a more oval version of 'd'.
Usage: gou(er)nance
several versions of both tailed and anglicana 'g' are used. Here the tail leaves the underside of the angular lobe, forms a short curved stroke. There is then a space before a second curved stroke finishes the graph as if a continuous clockwise tail-stroke.
Usage: god
tailed 'g' with short tail.
Usage: nogame
a more horned version of 2.
Usage: noght
anglicana 'g' used in this combination.
Usage: he
looped head, slightly angled limb and short fine tail-stroke.
Usage: eschange
Usage: soght
Usage: How
upper case 'H', much like version 1 but with extended tail in a clockwise direction.
Usage: rede
modern 'r' is used throughout.
Usage: desport
after 'o' the graph at first seems to be a 'z'-shaped version of 'r', but it is in fact two diamond shapes one above the other followed by a third stroke for the shoulder.
Usage: werres
Usage: Reson
the upper case graph.
Usage: so
square shape for this sigma 's' used in initial position.
Usage: stonde
long 's' is also used in initial position.
Usage: loues
sigma 's' is also used in inal position.
Usage: So
the upper case version of the graph.
Usage: wys
'w' varies. Here the heads are not closed and there is a foot for each limb.
Usage: wher
no actual feet on the limbs in this version although it is possible to see tiny spurs. The head-loops are closed.
Usage: woful
a more angular version of 'w' with approach stroke to the left limb and as usual, the 'B'-shaped element to the right.
Usage: wil
Usage: wys
the left arm of 'y' is straight. The fork is just below the lower level of surrounding graphs.
Usage: yhe
the tail-strokes vary in length and curvature.
Usage: Pleynly þurgh
Usage: sey þ(er)
an obvious comparison may be made here between 'y' and thorn.
Thorn and Yogh
Usage: þurgh
as previously noted, it is difficult to distinguish between 'y' and thorn.
Usage: boþe
Usage: Aȝein
on the folio examined, yogh only appears to be used as equivalent to 'y'.
Usage: ȝit
Upper Case Letters
Usage: So
scoop-topped upper case 'S'.
Usage: To
Usage: Is
Usage: Pleynly
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP