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Scribal Profile
Hand B
Profiles for this Scribe:
Current Manuscript:Cambridge, Cambridge University Library MS Mm.2.21
Folios:33-40, 89-96, 137-144
Sampled Folios:33r, 35r, 89r, 137r
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced by kind permission of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: as
double compartment 'a' is used throughout. The size of the compartments varies from graph to graph.
Usage: Chamberlein
Usage: And
one version of upper case 'A' on this folio.
Usage: And
the more commonly used upper case 'A'.
Usage: duelle
looped 'd' used throughout in the text.
Usage: assaied
the upper loop may be contained above the graph or may extend backwards over preceding graphs.
Usage: dilige(n)ci(us)
unlooped 'd' used in the gloss in the right margin, also in the hand of the scribe.
Usage: Deceyued
upper case 'D' at the beginning of a line and tipped with yellow.
Usage: glad
double compartment 'g' is used throughout. The lower compartment is usually a little in advance of the upper compartment, giving the graph a tilted appearance.
Usage: þing
when 'g' is in final position, the horizontal slash from the top of the upper compartment is slightly extended and angles down.
Usage: þoghten
Usage: degre
Usage: he
'h' has a straight stem sometimes leaning slightly towards the right.
Usage: hyhe
the head-stroke is occasionally set at an angle.
Usage: soghte
again 'h' is at an angle. The tail stroke varies in length.
Usage: Hire
upper case 'H' at the beginning of a line and tipped with yellow.
Usage: restreigneþ
modern 'r' is used in all positions except after 'o'.
Usage: Wher
'r' in final position with upward turn, perhaps as a flourish for a missing final 'e'.
Usage: lorde
'z'-shaped 'r' is used after 'o'.
Usage: Rome
upper case 'R'.
Usage: scholde
long 's' is always used in initial and medial positions.
Usage: þis
the scribe occasionally uses a semi-kidney-shaped 's' in final position. However, his main graph for final 's' is the '8'-shaped version seen in 3.
Usage: cas
'8'-shaped final 's'.
Usage: Sche
upper case 'S' tipped with yellow.
Usage: which
the scribe's 'w's are very variable but the basic formation is of a straight left limb with fine stroke to close the head, a straight middle stroke with head-stroke curling over to the right and a 'B'-shaped element to finish.
Usage: how
'w' in final position.
Usage: wo(m)man
the scribe's 'w's are sometimes not very well formed.
Usage: Was
upper case 'W' which is the same as the lower case version.
Usage: kyng
y' has a curved left limb and a tail which varies in length but which is generally shorter rather than longer.
Usage: redily
Usage: pleynly
Usage: abyde
a very short tail indeed.
Thorn and Yogh
Usage: þt
thorn is used on most occasions to replace 'th'. However, at the beginnings of lines 'TH' is used rather than thorn.
Usage: supposeþ
Usage: ȝif
yogh is also used frequently. It is equivalent to 'y' and also to 'gh' in some words.
Usage: douȝt(er)
Upper Case Letters
Usage: The
Usage: But
Usage: In
Usage: Of
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP