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Scribal Profile
Hand 1
Current Manuscript:England, Durham, Durham University Library MS Cosin V.II.13
Identification:Copies Troilus
Sampled Folios:25v, 26r, 27r
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced by permission of Durham University Library. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: may
single compartment 'a' with horned head.
Usage: awaketh
'a' in initial position in a word. Perhaps because of the initial position of the 'a' graph, there is a visible turn as the scribe places, then moves the nib, to form the left side of the square compartment.
Usage: As
one of the several versions of upper case 'A' used by this scribe.
Usage: And
a second version of 'A' with a different version of the forked head.
Usage: dremen
the scribe uses both looped and unlooped 'd'. The lobe of looped 'd' is very angular. Although not always the case, the scribe tends to use the looped version in initial position.
Usage: briddes
unlooped 'd' with a much more rounded lower lobe.
Usage: found
unlooped 'd' usually used in medial and final positions.
Usage: Defamen
in the upper case position at the beginning of a line. The upper loop looks slightly incongruous as if an after-thought.
Usage: god
secretary 'g' is formed in similar fashion throughout. The tail of 'g' turns counter-clockwise.
Usage: noþing
'g' in final position.
Usage: brought
the 'ght' combination.
Usage: Gardyn
Usage: hope
'h' is consistently formed with a neat, small loop at the head and a longish tail stroke which on some folios is much longer than on others.
Usage: she
'h' with lengthened tail stroke which never seems to turn counter-clockwise.
Usage: shall
on a few examples of 'h' there is a sort of horned prong at the base of the stem.
Usage: How
upper case 'H' at the beginning of a line. It is exactly the same as the lower case graph.
Usage: right
modern 'r' is used in all positions.
Usage: hir
Usage: worthynes
'z'-shaped 'r' is used occasionally. It is always used after 'o' and 'h'. Elsewhere it may follow round-bodied graphs such as 'b'.
Usage: Righte
upper case 'R' is used on occasions other than at the beginning of a line. When a verb begins with 'r' then the upper case letter is used, as in 'Ronge', Rente'.
Usage: as
kidney-shaped 's' is always used in final position.
Usage: message
long 's' is used in initial and medial positions.
Usage: She
the scribe has two forms of upper case 'S'. Here the enlarged sigma shape.
Usage: So
the second example of upper case 'S'.
Usage: we
the majority of the scribe's 'w' are of this cursive form. The lead-in stroke varies in length depending on position in the word or in the line. For example on f27r, the 'w's on the bottom line have very long lead-in strokes which begin below the line.
Usage: folowen
occasionally the 'w' has closed loops at the head.
Usage: winges
this example is a hybrid with head-loops attached on a separate occasion. Perhaps the scribe stopped his writing and began after a pause.
Usage: Whan
upper case 'W' with a turned stroke at the bottom of the second arm. The usual rounded lobe to the right of the graph becomes a square.
Usage: wrye
the fork of 'y' is at the lower level of surrounding graphs. The tail may be fairly contained as here or extended as in version 2.
Usage: gay
as with extended tails of 'h' and the lead-in strokes of 'w', the lengthened tail of 'y' reinforces the impression of slant.
Usage: yeden
'y' in initial position.
Usage: Ye
upper case 'Y' at the beginning of a line.
Usage: þough
the scribe uses thorn frequently for the definite article, pronouns and demonstrative adjectives.
Usage: þere
the formation of thorn is mainly consistent with squarish lobe attached to a stem which ends just below the line.
Usage: þought
Usage: Þan
thorn at the beginning of a line in an upper case position.
Upper Case Letters
Usage: I
distinctive upper case 'I' with a short, turned head stroke and a slight curve of the descender.
Usage: Of
squarish graph with a central added line which usually ends before it reaches the lowest point of the graph.
Usage: Been
a florid 'B' with '2'-shaped attachment in front of the graph.
Usage: This
several of the scribe's upper case graphs have vertical lines bisecting them.
Decorative Features
Usage: Heart-shaped extension from the word 'and' on the top line of the folio. This feature may be an identifying mark for this scribe.
Usage: Elaborate strap-work decoration from the initial letter on this folio.
Usage: A greatly extended 'ff' for the beginning of this folio. It probably also had some strapwork decoration at the top before the cropping of the manuscript.
Usage: Similar decoration applied at the bottom of the folio for decoration for 'Cantus Atigone'.
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP