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Hand 1
Current Manuscript:Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Arch. Selden B.24
Identification:May be james Gray
Sampled Folios:1r
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced by permission of The Bodleian Library, University of Oxford. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: a
single compartment secretary 'a' used throughout.
Usage: solas
the two sides of the graph are connected by a hairline stroke.
Usage: may
Usage: And
Usage: drope
the scribe mixes secretary and anglicana forms, so although unlooped 'd' is used on most occasions, looped 'd' also puts in an appearance occasionally.
Usage: and
looped 'd' in final position.
Usage: goddess
Usage: double
from the top line of verse with the illumination tangling with the stem of 'd'.
Usage: goddess
secretary tailed 'g' with horizontal cross-stroke at the head.
Usage: loving
occasionally the head of the down-stroke at the right of the graph stands well above the lobe. Here, in final position, the horizontal cross-stroke at the head has a tag attached.
Usage: wight
Usage: grete
the down-stroke frequently begins above the body of the graph.
Usage: helpeth
'h' may have a wide closed head-loop which returns to the shoulder.
Usage: schald
the loop may also be a continuation from the previous graph.
Usage: preyeth
crossed 'h' after 't'.
Usage: Haue
upper case graph at the beginning of a line.
Usage: drery
'r' is mainly 'z'-shaped.
Usage: darr
Usage: endure
Usage: Reme(m)breth
upper case 'R', difficult to entangle at the beginning of a line.
Usage: solas
long 's' is used in initial and medial positions.
Usage: cas
kidney-shaped 's' and sigma 's' are used in final position.
Usage: gladness(e)
the thick downward curving stroke to follow 's' is not expanded into 'e'.
Usage: Suich
Usage: wo
again a mixture of anglicana and secretary 'w's on this folio.
Usage: how
Usage: wight
an initial 'w' with curved approach stroke to begin.
Usage: sorowing
image to show the size of 'w' in the middle of a word, compared with the size of surrounding graphs.
Usage: Troylus
a distinctive 'y' with parallel strokes to form the body and a tail which curves counter-clockwise immediately without any form of clockwise movement.
Usage: peyne
Usage: preyeth
Usage: my
Thorn and Yogh
Usage: þt
thorn is only used for the contraction of 'that'. But 'th' is also used for the same word.
Usage: þt
Usage: ȝow
yogh is used as representative of the 'y' sound.
Usage: ȝe
Problem e's
Usage: louers
'e' is frequently formed from two separate strokes. The back, or stem of the graph is attached to the previous letter and the head-stroke, is separate and connects with the following graph.
Usage: chere
Usage: compleyne
Usage: spede
here, the down-stroke of 'd' closes off the semi-circular head-stroke of 'e'.
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP