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Scribal Profile
Beryn Scribe
Profiles for this Scribe:
6. Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Tanner 11
Current Manuscript:Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Tanner 11
Folios:Pages 1-116, 140 (line 19)-163, 164 (lines 27-31) 196 (corrected ex catchword), 205 (line 4)-209 (line 3)
Sampled Folios:p.7
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Usage: and
straight-sided 'a' with horizontal cross-bar.
Usage: And
Usage: made
note the oversized 'a' within the word, a typical feature of this scribe.
Usage: And
'd' in final position with more rounded aspect.
Usage: dayes
a more pointed lower lobe on this initial letter. This is the scribe's more usual practise.
Usage: discomfetid
again a 'd' in initial position with squared-off pointed lower lobe.
Usage: discomfetid
unlooped 'd' is also in this scribe's repertoire.
Usage: homage
secretary 'g' with tail with reverse loop.
Usage: a grete
the lower lobe is oval and larger than the upper lobe.
Usage: kyng
'g' with hooked tag in final position.
Usage: Goffare
upper case 'G' with vertical bisector.
Usage: he
the limb and tail-stroke finishes with a thick, flattened termination.
Usage: this
the head-loop of 'h' cuts through the top of the shoulder.
Usage: hihe
the second 'h' in this word and unusually the limb descends and the tail-stroke turns to the right rather than the scribe's usual practise of continuing the stroke clockwise.
Usage: howe
occasionally the head stroke is open and arched over the following graph.
Usage: Brute
long 'r' and modern 'r' used in every position. The scribe does not seem to have a preference for either.
Usage: grete
Usage: ther
final long 'r' with flourish.
Usage: Brute
'z'-shaped 'r' is used occasionally.
Usage: Goddes
sigma 's' is always used in final position.
Usage: ressevid
long 's' is used in initial and medial positions.
Usage: shippes
sigma 's' used in initial position. It may be an upper case graph for a noun.
Usage: was
a word on the top line of the folio and underlined in red because it is a title. The scribe uses an extended left limb with looped approach stroke and double lobe on the right.
Usage: Howe
also on the top line of the folio.
Usage: was
a simpler form with single loop at the right. The scribe still has an arching approach stroke although there are examples on this folio of 'w's with no approach stroke at all.
Usage: power
an unusual looped anglicana 'w' for this scribe.
Usage: wynde
the tail of 'y' varies from this more normal rendering.
Usage: strongly
the left limb is curved and stands awkwardly apart from the right element of the graph.
Usage: they
Usage: vp
curving approach stroke which the scribe also uses for the 'w' graph.
Usage: covenau(n)te
the 'v' resembles the scribe's 'b'.
Usage: resseyvid
in similar style to the left limb of 'w', the left limb of 'v' extends way beyond the height of surrounding graphs.
Usage: haven
Usage: bataill
looped heads of 'l', 'h' and 'b' are all similarly executed.
Usage: brouȝte
because the vertical of the graph is more of a curve in this example, it is easier to see the similarity with 'V'.
Usage: assemblit
Usage: Brute
several of the upper case 'B's on this folio are preceded by a closed circular stroke.
Thorn and Yogh
Usage: þey
Usage: þat
Usage: brouȝte
yogh with long descender characteristic of this scribe. Yogh representative of the 'gh' element.
Usage: ȝewe
yogh as equivalent of an initial 'y' sound.
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP