A |
| Usage: malice straight-sided 'a' with horizontal cross-bar. | | Usage: And versions 2, 3, and 4 are all examples of this scribe's upper case 'A's at the beginning of lines. |
| Usage: And | | Usage: And |
D |
| Usage: grauntid looped 'd' used throughout. | | Usage: disdeyn the lobe of 'd' is sometimes pointed. |
| Usage: do pointed lobe and backward sloping loop. | | Usage: Goddis |
G |
| Usage: singulere the tail of secretary 'g' has a reverse flick. This 'g' is used several times on this folio and is obviously an alternative in the scribe's repertoire. | | Usage: gan anglicana 'g' is also used. |
| Usage: guyde the lower compartment of 'g' is usually larger than the upper compartment. | | Usage: Goddis upper case 'G' bisected by a vertical line. |
H |
| Usage: had looped head to this graph and a tail-stroke which loops neatly round to connect with the following graph. | | Usage: hem |
| Usage: here the tail-stroke frequently flicks back on itself. | | Usage: hath 'h' may also have an arched, open head-stroke. |
R |
| Usage: chere long 'r' is used infrequently. | | Usage: tristes modern 'r' is used in all positions. |
| Usage: ther when long 'r' is used, it is almost always in final position. Here the flourish is representative of a missing final 'e'. | | Usage: refute 'z'-shaped 'r' in initial position but unusually it is found on this folio after 'e' and 'p' only. |
S |
| Usage: singulere long 's' is used in initial and medial positions. | | Usage: his sigma 's' is used in final position. |
| Usage: shall sigma 's' may also be used in initial position. | | Usage: plesaunce the head stroke of long 's' frequently arches over several letters. |
W |
| Usage: woo the left limb of 'w' varies in length and may have a looped approach stroke or none at all. | | Usage: Nowe the left limb is separate from the rest of the graph and is almost twice the height of the preceding 'o'. Both versions 1 and 2 have the 'B'-shaped element at the right. |
| Usage: vowid 'w' can also have a single lobe on the right rather than the double lobes of the other examples. | | Usage: & wake exaggerated looped left limb. |
Y |
| Usage: my the tail of 'y' sometimes turns counter-clockwise at right angles. | | Usage: myddis |
| Usage: preyere | | |
v |
| Usage: visitacioune 'v', like 'w' has a variety of introductory strokes to the graph. | | Usage: a vowid very reminiscent of the treatment of some 'w's. |
| Usage: a bove | | Usage: purveaunce this example may also be compared with the 'w' graph. |
b |
| Usage: a bove the word 'a bove' showing how very similar the scribe's 'b's and 'v's can be. | | Usage: braunche |
| Usage: by | | Usage: a byde as with the 'h' graph, the head of 'b' is occasionally left open. |