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Scribal Profile
Petworth Scribe
Profiles for this Scribe:
4. London, British Library, MS Sloane 3501
Current Manuscript:London, British Library, MS Sloane 3501
Identification:Also known as the 'high 'g' scribe'
Sampled Folios:12r
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced with permission of The British Library. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: man
all lower case 'a's are double compartment.
Usage: al
Usage: And
upper case 'A'.
Usage: And
upper case 'A' on the top line, very reminiscent of some of the upper case 'A's of Adam Pinkhurst.
Usage: dure
looped 'd' used throughout.
Usage: dooþ
a squat version of 'd' with upper loop sitting squarely on the lower lobe.
Usage: kiddes
Usage: to gidere
on the top line.
Usage: to gider
'g' is distinctive in this scribe's hand. The letter is usually positioned on the line itself and slightly tilted towards the following letter, 'i' as shown here. Typical too are the small horn above the top compartment and the curved overhang to the right of the lower lobe.
Usage: good
Usage: huntyng
final 'g' and 't' frequently attract a slashed tag-stroke to finish.
Usage: rough
'g' in association with crossed 'h'.
Usage: haue
triangular head-stroke and exaggerated foot to the stem.
Usage: shul
an arched head-stroke which is left open.
Usage: h(er)tes
the slash through the 'h' represents an interesting abbreviation of 'er'.
Usage: march
'h' is frequently crossed in 'ch', 'th' combinations.
Usage: rough
long 'r' used initially and medially. Modern 'r' used in preference in final positions.
Usage: her
modern 'r' used in all positions and when used finally it frequently has a flourish as shown here.
Usage: for
'z'-shaped 'r' after 'o'. An otiose stroke descends from the middle or right point of the lower part of the letter.
Usage: Roo
Usage: hornes
kidney-shaped 's' used exclusively in final position.
Usage: sith
sigma 's' used initially along with long 's'.
Usage: passed
long 's' used initially and medially.
Usage: shuld
it is sometimes possible to see the approach stroke to the head of the letter on 's' and 'f'.
Usage: were
almost all 'w's are of the same formation, varying only in the length or presence of the approach stroke.
Usage: knowe
Usage: wiþ
Usage: burnysshen
the tail of 'y' slopes back beneath the previous letter. 'y' is usually dotted.
Usage: hye
Usage: vynys
on the bottom line the tails of 'y' are more flamboyant.
Thorn and Yogh
Usage: þei
thorn used for some pronouns and demonstrative adjectives.
Usage: þat
Usage: ȝeere
yogh with tail-stroke curving back on itself. Long approach stroke to the head of the graph.
Usage: ȝif
Usage: passed
possibly the only 'p' on this folio. It is perhaps unusual with the spike of the main descender protruding above the lobe of the letter.
Usage: I
'I' is a simple tapering vertical with approach strokes of various lengths.
Usage: Inne
Usage: I
Usage: It
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP