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Scribal Profile
Hand 1
Current Manuscript:Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Laud misc. 416
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced with permission of The Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, 2011; all rights reserved. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: above
the scribe uses a selection of single and double compartment 'a's. Single compartment 'a' is used most of the time.
Usage: today
double compartment 'a' is also used occasionally. If a word begins with 'a' then a double compartment graph may be used. Equally the indefinite article is frequently a double compartment graph.
Usage: all
the lobe of 'a' is not completely closed because of the angle of the down-stroke.
Usage: And
upper case 'A' is always formed as here.
Usage: delyueraunce
unlooped 'd' used almost invariably on this folio. However, see version 2.
Usage: blessid
where 'd' is in final position the scribe occasionally uses this looped version with long trailing tag.
Usage: weddid
the scribe also uses looped 'd' occasionally in the middle of words, but uses the unlooped version as the final letter. At the beginning of the 'Cursor Mundi' text on f66r, looped 'd' is the norm. So the scribe appears to have no fixed font for his work but varies his letter forms according to whim.
Usage: dothe
an example from f66r, 'Cursor Mundi'.
Usage: goodis
tailed 'g' with tail turning counter-clockwise used throughout.
Usage: thyngg(i/es)
in the 'Cursor Mundi', the scribe doubles the 'g' at the end of the word and adds an abbreviation for the plural.
Usage: might
'ght' combination.
Usage: Grete
an upper case graph at the beginning of a line.
Usage: hem
looped head-stroke and vertical descender from the shoulder.
Usage: hym
open head-stroke in this example.
Usage: right
in the 'Cursor Mundi' text, the scribe tends to cross 'h' when it follows 'g', 's' or 't'.
Usage: He
'H' at the beginning of a line where all initial letters on the folio are upper case letters. There is therefore no difference between upper and lower case 'h'.
Usage: ryche
'z'-shaped 'r' used in all positions, as are long 'r' and modern 'r'.
Usage: her
long 'r' in final position. It is used in every position in a word.
Usage: parsone
modern 'r' is used very occasionally, usually, but not always, in the middle of a word.
Usage: Recervyng
upper case 'R'.
Usage: sarve
sigma 's' used in initial and final positions.
Usage: as
sigma 's' in final position.
Usage: parsone
long 's' used in medial and occasionally in initial position.
Usage: Som
upper case 'S'.
Usage: wery
cursive 'w' as two 'v's.
Usage: morow
a slightly more rounded 'w' used in the 'Cursor Mundi'. It may also be seen occasionally earlier in the manuscript.
Usage: was
occasionally there is a looped lead-in to the left arm.
Usage: towne
occasionally the scribe uses 'w' with looped head.
Usage: ynne
'y' is occasionally used where an 'i' would be expected.
Usage: Wherby
'y' in final position.
Usage: mayralte
'y' in the middle of a word with two different variants of 'a' on either side.
Usage: contrey
Usage: þe
thorn is used infrequently and haphazardly. In other places 'th' is used instead. However, the scribe frequently uses thorn with a following superscript letter for the definite article and some pronouns.
Usage: anoþ(er)
thorn is occasionally used to replace 'th' in instances other than those described above.
Usage: þyng
Usage: þu
Upper Case Letters
Usage: Then
Usage: Nothyng
Usage: But
Usage: In
Usage: Of
the scribe's upper case 'O' is distinctive as is his frequent descending curved tag on 'f'.
Usage: Ampersand
the ampersand used in the 'Cursor Mundi' text.
Usage: Ampersand
the scribe's distinctive ampersand used at the beginning of the manuscript.
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP