Browse Manuscripts: Choose a Location Close this box
AberdeenAberystwythAlnwick, NorthumberlandAnn Arbor, MIAustin, TexasBoston, MABristolBrusselsCambridgeCambridge, MA
Chatsworth House, DerbyshireChicago, ILClitheroe, LancashireCologny, SwitzerlandColumbia, MOCoventryDublin, IrelandDurhamEdinburghGlasgow
Hatfield, HertfordshireHolkham, NorfolkLichfieldLincolnLiverpoolLondonLongleat HouseManchesterNaplesNew Haven, CT
Browse Scribes: Choose an Appellation Close this box
Adam Pinkhurst Adam Pinkhurst; Hand BAdrian FortescueAntiquaries 134 Scribe Antiquaries 134 scribe or 'Cornhill'Astrolabe scribe Beryn scribeBeryn Scribe and Brut CorrectorCUL Gg. 4.27 ScribeDe Regimine ScribeDelamere Scribe DeltaDevonshire scribe, TCC R.3.3 scribe or slanted hooked 'g' scribeDouble-v ScribeEdmund-Fremund ScribeEgerton 2658 scribeEgerton 2863 ScribeEgerton 2864 scribe Equatorie scribeExeter College 129 ScribeFitzwilliam 181 scribeGeoffrey Spirling Gower Scribe IIGower Scribe IIIHammond ScribeHand 1Hand 2Hand 3
Hand 4Hand AHand B Hand CHand C of TCC R.3.19Hand DHarley 7335 Scribe Hatton 2 scribeHerun?HM 144 ScribeHoccleveHooked G ScribeHuntingdonshire ScribeIohannes HunteJames GrayeJohannes CokJohn BrodeJohn CarpenterJohn DuxworthJohn Marchaunt or Scribe DJohn Newton John ShirleyKeio 10 scribeKnighthood and Battle ScribeLewestonLichfield Scribe Lyty?MoreMorganus Scribe
Nicholaus plenus amorisNorwich ScribeNotehurst-NuthurstPetworth Scribe Polychronicon ScribeR. FryeRicardus FranciscusRichard FramptonRichard OsbarnRobert Bale / BaileRoger Motram?Romances Scribe/BaggeheyRylands English 63 ScribeSelden ScribeStephen DodeshamStyle?Thomas DankastreThomas HoccleveThomas Hoccleve; Hand ETrevisa-Gower ScribeTrinity Anthologies scribe UnknownUpright hooked g ScribeWilliam Cotson de Dunstaple canonicusWinchester ScribeWorcestershire Piers Plowman scribe?Wytton
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Cambridge, Cambridge University Library Dd.1.17Cambridge, Cambridge University Library Dd.3.13Cambridge, Cambridge University Library MS Ff.5.35Cambridge, Cambridge University Library MS Gg.4.31Cambridge, Cambridge University Library MS Ll.4.14Cambridge, Cambridge University Library, Additional 4325Cambridge, Corpus Christi College MS 293Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College MS 669/646Cambridge, Newnham College MS 4Cambridge, Pembroke College Fragments MS 312, frag. C/6Cambridge, Trinity College MS B.15.17 (353)Cambridge, Trinity College MS R.3.14 (594)England, York, University of York, Borthwick Institute for Archives, Add. 196Europe, Dublin, Ireland, Trinity College MS 212Europe, Dublin, Ireland, Trinity College MS 213London, British Library, Additional 10574London, British Library, Additional 34779
London, British Library, Additional 35287London, British Library, Cotton Caligula A.XILondon, British Library, Cotton Vespasian B.XVILondon, British Library, Harley 2376London, British Library, Harley 3954London, British Library, Harley MS 6041London, British Library, Harley MS 875London, British Library, Lansdowne MS 398London, British Library, Royal 18 B.XVIILondon, British Library, Sloane 2578London, Lincoln's Inn Library MS Hale 150London, Society of Antiquaries MS 687London, University of London, Senate House, Sterling Library MS V.17London, University of London, Senate House, Sterling Library MS V.88NewYork, NY, Pierpont Morgan Library & Museum MS M 818Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Digby 102 Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Digby 145
Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Digby 171Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Douce 104Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Douce 323Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Laud misc. 581Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Laud misc. 656Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Rawlinson poet. 137Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 851Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Ashmole 1468, part IIIOxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 814Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson poet. 38Oxford, Corpus Christi College MS 201Oxford, Oriel College MS 79, Part IOxford, University College MS 45San Marino, CA, Henry E. Huntington Library MS HM 137Tokyo, Takamiya Collection MS 23USA, New Haven, CT, Yale University, Beinecke Library MS Osborn fa.45Wales, Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales, MS 733B
Browse Letters: Choose a Letter (Please be patient whilst the images load) Close this box
A (p.1)A (p.2)A (p.3)A (p.4)A (p.5)A (p.6)A (p.7)A (p.8)A (p.9)A (p.10)A (p.11)A (p.12)A (p.13)A (p.14)A (p.15)A (p.16)A (p.17)A (p.18)A (p.19)A (p.20)A (p.21)A (p.22)A (p.23)
D (p.1)D (p.2)D (p.3)D (p.4)D (p.5)D (p.6)D (p.7)D (p.8)D (p.9)D (p.10)D (p.11)D (p.12)D (p.13)D (p.14)D (p.15)D (p.16)D (p.17)D (p.18)D (p.19)D (p.20)D (p.21)D (p.22)D (p.23)
G (p.1)G (p.2)G (p.3)G (p.4)G (p.5)G (p.6)G (p.7)G (p.8)G (p.9)G (p.10)G (p.11)G (p.12)G (p.13)G (p.14)G (p.15)G (p.16)G (p.17)G (p.18)G (p.19)G (p.20)G (p.21)G (p.22)G (p.23)
H (p.1)H (p.2)H (p.3)H (p.4)H (p.5)H (p.6)H (p.7)H (p.8)H (p.9)H (p.10)H (p.11)H (p.12)H (p.13)H (p.14)H (p.15)H (p.16)H (p.17)H (p.18)H (p.19)H (p.20)H (p.21)H (p.22)H (p.23)
R (p.1)R (p.2)R (p.3)R (p.4)R (p.5)R (p.6)R (p.7)R (p.8)R (p.9)R (p.10)R (p.11)R (p.12)R (p.13)R (p.14)R (p.15)R (p.16)R (p.17)R (p.18)R (p.19)R (p.20)R (p.21)R (p.22)R (p.23)
S (p.1)S (p.2)S (p.3)S (p.4)S (p.5)S (p.6)S (p.7)S (p.8)S (p.9)S (p.10)S (p.11)S (p.12)S (p.13)S (p.14)S (p.15)S (p.16)S (p.17)S (p.18)S (p.19)S (p.20)S (p.21)S (p.22)S (p.23)
W (p.1)W (p.2)W (p.3)W (p.4)W (p.5)W (p.6)W (p.7)W (p.8)W (p.9)W (p.10)W (p.11)W (p.12)W (p.13)W (p.14)W (p.15)W (p.16)W (p.17)W (p.18)W (p.19)W (p.20)W (p.21)W (p.22)W (p.23)
'Late Medieval English Scribes' was developed by The Centre for Medieval Studies at the University of York and the University of Oxford with technical development provided by The Digital Humanities Institute, University of Sheffield. The project was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council
Technical issues should be addressed to hri-support@sheffield.ac.uk
Technical issues should be addressed to hri-support@sheffield.ac.uk
Version 1.0 | ISBN 978-0-9557876-6-9 | © 2011 The University of York
Citation Guide Users who wish to use material from this website in publications should cite: Mooney, Linne, Simon Horobin, and Estelle Stubbs. Late Medieval English Scribes <https://www.medievalscribes
.com>, ISBN 978-0-9557876-6-9, [today's date].
Citation Guide Users who wish to use material from this website in publications should cite: Mooney, Linne, Simon Horobin, and Estelle Stubbs. Late Medieval English Scribes <https://www.medievalscribes
.com>, ISBN 978-0-9557876-6-9, [today's date].
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP