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Current Manuscript:Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, McClean 185
Sampled Folios:33r
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduction by permission of the Syndics of the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: hafe
'a' is double compartment with a straight right side.
Usage: appertment
Usage: A
the scribe has a single compartment upper case 'A' as well as the version in 4.
Usage: And
Usage: drauȝtes
'd' is looped with the loop appearing in various shapes. Here the upper loop is fairly round and the lower lobe is pointed at the left, perhaps because it is the initial letter of the word.
Usage: taryed
'd' in final position has no flourish on this folio.
Usage: Redde
the upper loops are thrown back beyond the position of the triangular lower lobes.
Usage: And
here the upper loop extends back over the previous graph.
Usage: god
most of the scribe's 'g's on this folio have two compartments of even size. In this example the top lobe is closed with a straight hairline stroke.
Usage: amonge
'g' appears here more as a figure 8. The horizontal stroke joining to the next graph extends at right angles from the centre of the upper lobe.
Usage: egal
Usage: God
upper case 'G' at the beginning of a line.
Usage: hath
the head-stroke of 'h' loops down from a point at the top and connects at various places at or through the shoulder and limb. The tail-stroke descends from the limb and loops back as here or curves anti-clockwise. The example here is the one most frequently used.
Usage: hafe
letter on the top line with more pronounced head-loop. The tail-stroke has a reverse curve.
Usage: that
the tailstroke is unusually tucked away beneath the body of the graph.
Usage: Chesse
the tailstroke loops round in a reverse curve which extends up to the following graph.
Usage: reporte
the initial 'r' in this word. Long 'r' is used more frequently than modern 'r in initial and final positions.
Usage: yere
modern 'r' in a medial position.
Usage: your
final 'r' with flourish. The fork of the graph begins at the lowest point of the graph.
Usage: Redde
upper case 'R' with a long arching approach stroke which begins well below the body of the graph.
Usage: she
sigma 's' is used in both initial and final positions.
Usage: Cessolis
a single example on this folio of a kidney-shaped 's' in final position.
Usage: moralised
long 's' is used in medial positions.
Usage: She
upper case 'S' at the beginning of a line.
Usage: which
the central limb of the 'w' graph always rises above the left and right sides of the graph. It then describes an arc of varying size which usually ends beyond the 'B'-shaped element which forms the right side of the graph.
Usage: knowe
a 'w' within a word showing the approach stroke which continues from the previous graph and forms a looped and rounded left limb.
Usage: awhile
Usage: folow
Usage: taryed
typically the left arm of 'y' is a short angled stroke which is crossed by the sweeping curve of the tailstroke. A small protuberance extends beneath the tailstroke where the two strokes cross.
Usage: Nay
Usage: many
the tailstroke curves up and over the graph itself.
Usage: ywys
again the tailstrokes of both 'y' graphs in this example extend up to join the following graph.
Thorn and Yogh
Usage: þat
on this folio, thorn is used for the definite article and for demonstrative adjectives.
Usage: þe
this example of thorn has a shorter stem and larger lobe than in the previous example. Superscript letters are set directly above the thorn graph.
Usage: myȝt
the tail of yogh extends down and curves anti-clockwise. The stroke joining the yogh on the left is the tail of the previous 'y' graph.
Usage: drauȝtes
m and n
Usage: made
lower case 'm' and 'n' in initial position frequently, but not always, have a curving approach stroke which curves up from beneath the graph to form the first minim of the graph.
Usage: moralised
Usage: mene
not every 'm' and 'n' graph begins as in versions one and two.
Usage: noblesse
an example of 'n' with the same curved approach stroke.
Upper Case Letters
Usage: O
Usage: Nay
Usage: I
Usage: Of
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP