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Scribal Profile
Adam Pinkhurst
Profiles for this Scribe:
8. Wales, Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales MS Peniarth 392D
Current Manuscript:Wales, Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales MS Peniarth 392D
Sampled Folios:13r and many others
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:Reproduced by permission of Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru / The National Library of Wales. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: and
Pinkhurst's 'a' is consistently shaped thus. The top lobe of the letter frequently sits above surrounding letters.
Usage: And
initial upper case A, a larger version of version 1.
Usage: Aboute
this upper case'A' is found rarely in Hengwrt but is used several times on folio 7.
Usage: And
another unusual 'A' but used for the opening of the first line of folio 11v and then fifteen more times at the beginning of lines, all on this folio. Pinkhurst continues to use this 'A' for two more folios before reverting to the more usual example of version 2.
Usage: duc
an angular lower lobe.
Usage: berd
an occasional flourish on 'd' at the end of a line and the end of a folio.
Usage: Daunced
upper case 'D'.
Usage: Domine
upper case 'D' with decoration typical of the Hg scribe.
Usage: greet
typical Pinkhurst 'g', double compartment, both evenly sized.
Usage: long
the crossing of strokes between compartments frequently creates 'a projecting spike on the right of the lower lobe' (Doyle).
Usage: God
Usage: Iuggement
Usage: his
angular head-loop resovling on the shoulder.
Usage: whom
the first line of the tale with space above, hence the elongated stem of the letter.
Usage: How
initial letter of line. Upper case 'H' frequently sports two dots on the stem.
Usage: Here
the opening of Link 29, the Monk's Prologue.
Usage: suster
Usage: neer
'r' in final position. The following virgule is frequently joined to the r with a hairline stroke.
Usage: your
'r' with flourish probably as representative of a missing final 'e'.
Usage: or
'z'-shaped 'r' to follow 'o'. The 'r' is copied both with and without the otiose tag from the left of the lower part of the letter.
Usage: swich
sigma 's' used as initial letter of words.
Usage: his
8-shaped 's' is usually used in final position. The upper lobe frequently stands above the level of surrounding letters.
Usage: Seruant
upper case 'S' at the beginning of a line.
Usage: Shipman
upper case 'S' used in rubric for the Shipman's Tale.
Usage: wolde
the scribe's usual 'w'.
Usage: was
'w' used on top line of a folio.
Usage: war
sometimes there is no foot on the left limb of the letter.
Usage: wente
a slightly different version used frequently in the Wife of Bath's Prologue. The 'B'-shaped element is broken at the right and the final stroke links to the following graph.
Usage: yonge
'y' is regular in formation and usually dotted. Doyle and Parkes remark on the almost vertical left limb.
Adam's mark
Usage: The ubiquitous Pinkhurst mark. That the mark is that of the scribe and not added later may be seen by the continuation of the curled extension from final 'e' up to the mark itself. Exactly the same phenomenon may be seen in Pinkhurst's oath.
Usage: The same mark, this time attached to an underline.
Usage: The same mark attached to the end of a bracket.
Punctuation marks
Usage: Paragraphus found exclusively in Tale of Melibeus and Parson's Tale. Also present in Equatorie text.
Usage: The common virgule between 'riche / and
Usage: Adam Pinkhurst's virgula suspensiva?
More marks
Usage: Not quite the same mark but seen everywhere attached to the ascenders in titles and as space fillers.
Usage: This time the scribe's mark is attached to the end of a three-sided underline of the catchword.
Usage: The opening rubric for the Franklin's Tale.
Usage: The first line of the poem showing the scribe's marks against almost every ascender.
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP