A |
 | Usage: age double compartment anglicana 'a' is used throughout. |  | Usage: That occasionally the upper compartment is not completed. |
 | Usage: age hairline joining upper and lower compartments in this example. |  | Usage: And just one of the many versions of upper case 'A' used by this scribe. See Wild Letter 3 for more examples. |
D |
 | Usage: deeþ angular lobe on the looped 'd'. |  | Usage: aqueyntid the scribe's graphs are all very evenly formed with little variation. |
 | Usage: hadde |  | Usage: Defende upper case 'D' with 2-shaped element to begin. |
G |
 | Usage: guerdon angular double compartment anglicana 'g'. |  | Usage: þing the lower compartment is almost triangular. In final position the 'g' has an added vertical tag. |
 | Usage: lenger the scribe also uses tailed 'g'. The use of each different graph seems to go in blocks. |  | Usage: Musyng 'g' in final position with tag. |
H |
 | Usage: hir the scribe uses 'h' with an angled foot on the stem as in this example, or he may use one without, as in version 2. |  | Usage: hadde |
 | Usage: neighburgh 'h' after 'g' is crossed when in final position. |  | Usage: Had upper case 'H' at the beginning of a line. |
R |
 | Usage: reward modern 'r' is used in all positions. |  | Usage: Ther |
 | Usage: ffor 'z'-shaped 'r' is only used after 'o'. |  | Usage: Right |
S |
 | Usage: so long 's' is used in initial and medial positions. The stem usually ends on the line. Since this scribe writes above the line there is a short extension to 's' beneath the lower level of the surrounding graphs. |  | Usage: waies final 's' is of this form. Sometimes it appears almost as a kidney-shaped letter, sometimes it is more 8-shaped. |
 | Usage: anguische example to show both 's' and 'h' ending on the line. |  | Usage: Senek upper case 'S' with parallel line decoration. |
W |
 | Usage: wight looped 'w' where occasionally the loop at the head of the middle arm is not quite closed. |  | Usage: worlde a 'B'-shaped element at the right. |
 | Usage: wickid |  | Usage: Whan a more elaborate graph as the upper case letter. |
Y |
 | Usage: lay the tail of 'y' also ends just about on the line. 'y' and thorn are difficult to distinguish at times. |  | Usage: lightly |
 | Usage: tyme only very occasionally does the tail of 'y' turn counter-clockwise. |  | Usage: by |
Thorn and Yogh |
 | Usage: seiþ thorn is used frequently in all the usual places but also more widely as a 'th' replacement. |  | Usage: deeþ there is almost no descender on thorn. The body of the graph sits on the line and stem and lobe are of almost equal size. |
 | Usage: ȝouþe yogh also sits on the line. Yogh is not widely used except for the sound of 'y'. |  | Usage: ȝeldiþ |
Upper Case Letters |
 | Usage: That the scribe has some elaborate upper case graphs, usually decorated with double parallel lines. |  | Usage: Ne |
 | Usage: I an upper case 'I' reminiscent of the one favoured by Scribe D. |  | Usage: Besily |
Upper Case A |
 | Usage: Age four different examples of the scribe's versions of upper case 'A'. |  | Usage: As |
 | Usage: And |  | Usage: And |